Making history

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After the coronation I went straight to my room to change out of the elegant gown, feeling more myself in my jeans and t-shirt I follow my Dad towards the cell's in the dungeons, Dieanira's sentence must be passed after we have formed the council and I still need to see her and hear her story before publicly proclaiming her fate. We are half way down the hall when Leon fall's into step at my side, instantly I notice he's changed into jeans and a plain black shirt leaving the top button undone, his presence brings me comfort anx my heart flutters.

We reach the heavy oak door to the dungeons in no time, following my Dad through , the smell of dried blood filling the air, the dungeons aren't quite what I pictured them to be, instead of a dark chamber with rough stone wall's and straw lain floor I expected we were greeted with a bright sterile looking room with bright white wall's with cell's lining them like in a modern prison block. I breathed a sigh of relief and followed Leon to what looked like a spectators box at the far end where we were greeted by three guard's, they bowed in unison and I fought the urge to role my eye's at them, the leed us to an interrogation room just to the side of the guards box, a table with three seats on one side and one on the other, I take the seat in the middle leaving Dad and Leon to sit either side of me.

The sounds of metal clicking against metal draws my attention to the door just a guard half drags Dieanira through and pushes her into the single chair opposite us and attaching the chains around her wrist to the table and threw her back to spit in his face and he just shrugged it off. Another guard stepped into the room with a needle, "the chains are draining her magic so she can't attack or struggle but it also means the truth position won't last as long as it should" I nodded in understanding as he pushed the needle into her arm, her lips were pulled back in an animalistic sneer, Dad straightened in his chair next to me, "state your name" his voice laced with authority, Dieanira's face twisted with pain, "Dieanira" she practically spat it out relief flooding face as soon as the word passed her lips, "tell me about the night if the portal attack, what was your plan?" He continued to question her like he was bored already, a smirk pulled at her lips "to kill the Lion man" her had snapped to Leon, "and break the Princess" her eye's snapped to mine and I had to fight the urge to fidget in my seat, "on who's orders?" Leon snapped, she pulled another face and bit down on her tongue, blood spilling down her chin as she smiled like a mad woman, "General Than's" she gasped as realized she hadn't beaten the potion. If looks could kill though I'd sure be dead by now, I squard my shoulers refusing to back down or show weakness, I leant forward in my seat, "who is he to you?" I asked my voice sounding more confident then I felt, she growled in frustration, "my Leader... my Father" she blurted in a rush, I wasn't even shocked I suspected as much why would a man like him trust just anyone to do his biding? She gave me a sickening smile, "he's your father too" she stated with disgust, "how dare you make such insinuations about the late Queen" Dad bellowed in her face, "it's not an insinuation if it's true" she shrugged slightly, I place a calming on my his arm, "do you know what he plans now?" I held eye contact with her as I asked, she twisted her head this way and that again, "he wants to bring Elphame to it's knees and take his rightful place as leader" exhaustion was marring he features, "and how does he plan on accomplishing this?" Leon asked her, her eyes darted me once more, "by awakening the darkness in Claramond and having her rule by his side" she hissed.

The seer's words ring out through my head "the darkness follows you" and I had to blink a few times to bring myself back to reality, I am the darkness right? Or are there two different kinds of darkness trying to claim me? Ugh my head starts to pound.

She started to visibly sag in her chair just as the guards stepped in to take her back to her cell, I stepped in their way "tell me how do these work exactly?" I asked the guard with a sweet smile, "they are charmed to drain the magic out of Fae to weaken them and reduce the risk of them trying to escape using magic" he looked pleased with himself for being able to answer, "so you just have to put them on their wrists?" I cocked my head to the side slightly, "the more powerful the Fae the more chains we use", I gave Dieanira a knowing look, "make sure to chain her ankles too" the death glare she gave me nearly had me in a fit of giggles.

Shrugging it off I followed my Dad with Leon by my side to the council chambers, they were normally reserved for the royal advisors, we walked in to find Magus leaning over a stack of papers looking lost and panicked amongst it, he breathed a sigh of relief as caught sight of us, "oh thank goodness, it's only been a few hours since your coronation and announcement" he lifted a big stack of papers to me, "these are only half of the applications for the council", I gapped at him as I took the stack from him and retreated to a corner by a window.

The sun had long since set as we lay out a selection of applications in front of us, we had gone through hundreds of the things narrowing it down to fifty now we have to narrow if down to three. In less than twenty four hours I had gone from a lost princess to a Queen who basically just publically announced I didn't want to rule Elphame, inevitably changing the while dynamic of Elphame and Faerie for that matter. I let my shoulders sag and finally admitted defeat retreating to my room dragging my heavy limbs under the covers and falling into sleep almost instantly.

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