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I woke with the feeling of suffocation claiming me, I was way too hot and I didn't know why, I threw the covers away from me and went to get out of bed when an arm suddenly came around my middle pulling me closer to it's owner, at first I was confused and a little panicked but that familiar scent of cinnamon and warm honey filled my senses followed by the feeling of safety and love, that made me come to the realisation that Leon was in bed next me, I tilted my head to look up at him, I don't remember going to sleep next him. The sudden urge to pee came over me and I tried to slowly pry his arm away, he just held me tighter which wasnt good for my bladder, "Leon" I gently shook his shoulder "Leon", he grumbled opening one eye at me, "I need to pee" I blushed, he looked like he was struggling to fully wake when his eyes widened at the realisation that he was holding me and he quickly pulled his arm away looking shocked, "Clara... I'm sorry, you were having a bad dream, I tried to wake you, but you calmed once I held you so I just..." he started to get out of the bed, a deep blush rushing to his cheeks, "It's ok" I placed a reassuring hand on his arm, "I like waking up next to you" I felt my cheeks redden at my admittance and a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.

I quickly scrambled of the bed and rushed to the bathroom feeling rather embarrassed by my actions and words. I took my time on purpose to make sure the redness in my face had faded, my stomach done little flips as I reached for the handle, but as I pulled it open and looked around the empty room I was filled with nothing but disappointment and I mentally kicked myself for running away so quickly, I lay pondering my actions for only a short while before Leon returned to the room. I listened as he softly padded his way across the room and as I felt the bed dip beside me I couldn't help the shit eating grin that tooks it's place on my face and I felt myself start to fall asleep once more.

I felt the heaviness of sleep fading, and I could feel Leon's chest rising and falling against my back, slowly I turned in his arms to gaze up at him and found him already gazing down at me instead, heat rushed to my cheeks once more, I seemed to be doing a lot of that lately, "Morning" he smiled down at me, "morning" I replied quietly giving him a small smile, my fingers itched to brush the stubble along his jaw line and without realizing it that is exactly what I done, I held my breath and waited for him to make a joke or push my hand away but instead he took my hand in his and placed a small kiss on my palm, my heart fluttered at the light touch of his lips, "Le... Leon" my voice came out all breathy, he kept my hand in his running his thumb in a soothing circular motion on the back of it, "Clara, I can't keep pretending" he looked into my eyes with a fierceness in his own, "pretending what?" I cocked my head to the side slightly, "pretending that there isn't a bond between us, pretending that it's all in my head, that you don't want me as much as I want you" he looked ready to continue but I stopped him with a kiss, I mean who wouldn't kiss him? He really just said that he wanted me that he felt this thing between us, he hesitated momentarily before returning my kiss sweetly with just as much passion.

We pulled apart slowly and I placed my hand against his cheek as he placed his on my hip, "I've waited too long to do that" I admitted as he grinned down at me, just as he went to lean down for another kiss a knock sounded at the door, a giggle escaped me and he looked startled, "just a minute" I called out grabbing my robe from the foot of the bed tying it around my waist as I opened the door and Leon slipped out of the bed standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, I pulled the door open to find Magus standing there with huge dark rings under his eye's, "sorry for the disturbance your majesty" he bowed his head slightly and I rolled my eyes at him fighting the sigh that was threatening to escape, "you can still call me Clara Magus" I said lightly as he nodded his head, "I have narrowed the search for the council members down to ten, I thought you might like to make the final decision" he held the stack in his hands out to me, I took it without hesitation, "thank you Magus" he nodded again and walked away, I closed the door and leaned against it releasing the sigh I held back.

Leon's p.o.v

Calra had her hand on her Magus' arm as they walked toward the throne room, she took my breath away on a normal day yet the elegant gown she is wearing just makes her look more regal and breathtaking still, I fall into step beside her and let my hand brush against hers feeling a rush at the feel of her skin against mine. I came to realise that Clara is my Mate and I think she feels it too, the undeniable pull between us, Mate's for Fae are a rarity now but not completely unheard of, in short it means that our souls were made as one, made for each other, but I still hadn't picked up the courage to speak to her about it, it was tying my stomach in nots, I had resulted to sleeping on a sofa in her room just be close to her as an ache in my chest grew deeper the more time away from her I spent.

The ceremony was perfect for the perfect woman who was now my Queen, I felt pride and a pang of fear all at once, my Mate is a Queen but how am supposed to tell my Queen that I believed she was my Mate or that Mates exist.

I spent the evening watching her closely as she worked her way around the room speaking with the people gathered to witness her coronation, the fact that she announced she wanted to rule in a completely different way to her predecessors as soon as she was crowned just made my heart fill with pride once more, Madame Sybil was right she is our saviour. The fesitivies came to an end as duty called and once again I walked along the hall next to Clara as we followed her father to the cells, she had changed into some Jean's and a t-shirt whitch hugged her curves perfectly and I had to drag my eyes away from her.

The guards dragged Dieanira into the interrogation room and her injected her with the truth potion Magus had Cooked up, the magic for it was powerful and difficult to wield and took weeks to perfect, but here it was. I could see Dieanira looked defeated and worn face contort with the pain of it as Rainer but her posture still screamed power and strength and I made a mental note to tell the guards to double up her power draining binds. Her face contorted with pain as Rainer began the interrogation, I was half listening and half gazing longingly at Clara, " and break the princess" Dieanira's voice broke through my thoughts, "on who's orders?" I snapped at her, I barely registered her response, it's obvious who ordered it. My blood starts to boil as she answers the questions even my own on how Than will break Elphame, it's only when I notice the guards come in that I realise Dieanira has been weakened considerably and rather quickly, she shouldn't of fought the truth potion, it's not like we don't have more and we will be coming back to question her further.

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