Finding myself

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It's been around eight month's since I was taken from the life I thought I knew and bought to Alfhemir the world of Fae, over these few month's my powers have slowly been emerging and growing stronger, I have wings, freaking WINGS! I can fly or rather levitate without them though, I can control fire and wind, I never thought it possible but here I am living proof. Leon my Royal Guard has fast become my closet friend while Magus my tutor has become my greatest advisor and parent figure. The fact that I hadn't moved or skipped town in eight months made me happy and apprehensive all at once, nothing ever went this good for me EVER!

We were training in the courtyard near the fountain, my hand to hand combat skill's had improved greatly so now we are concentrating and building up my skills using my magic, I was using my power over the wind to try and Leon back every time he advanced whilst simultaneously using my power over fire to shoot little balls of flame toward him, I kept growing frustrated as I still couldn't find the right balance, my flames would be too small or would spread like a wild fire, whereas my wind would either be a light breeze or as strong as a wind storm.

Throwing of the protective padded I was forced to wear I threw myself down leaning up against the base of the fountain, "It's useless, I'm never going to gain control over my powers" the frustration was lacing my voice thickly, Leon chuckled lightly, "it just takes time Clara", I threw my hands up, "forget it, I think you need to find another princess to fulfill your prophecy because I clearly can't do it", I spotted Magus jogging lightly toward us looking ashen, "what's wrong?" I asked jumping to my feat, "Princess, Sir Leandor, the Army of death are approaching Elphame as we speak", the poor guy was struggling to catch his breath, Leon tensed beside me, "and what of General Than?" Leon was back in warrior mode, "the scouts couldn't spot him, it appears he has sent Deianira to lead them" Magus had finally stopped wheezing now. Looking to Leon I could see his anger rise, "take the princess to the safe room, I'll gather the warriors" Magus placed a hand on my arm, "wait what? No" I pulled my hand away, "I may not have full control of powers but I am not hiding like a coward" my voice was rising with each word, "who is this General and what is the Army of death?" I directed my question to Leon, he sighed running a hand through his hair, "General than is the unseelie that rules Itzel, the Army of death are his warriors and Deianira is his second in command". He answered my questions but that just brought new questions to life, "this isn't up for discussion Clara, go with Magus" his eye's softened slightly, "they are called the Army of death for a reason, Than is death", I hated being treated like a fragile creature, "you keep telling me that I'm the ruler of Elphame, so let me rule!" my anger was rising rapidly, Leon gritted his teeth, "fine, but you won't be going unarmed or unprotected, follow me" . I done as told (for once) and followed a grumbling Leon to the Armory, Dozens of soldiers were strapping armor on and gathering weapons, he lead through a door at the back and I was greeted by stunning piece of gold and silver armor that had delicate swirls decorating the breastplate in the center of the room, two maids scurried into the room behind me, "help the princess dress" Leon ordered without even looking at me.

The armor is a lot heavier than it looked, I was helped onto the back of beautiful white Pegasus with a sword matching my armor hanging at my side and a small matching dagger attached to my thigh, Leon was on my right atop a midnight black Pegasus of his own and General Helmer, the leader of Elphame's Army was to my left he too sat atop a black Pegasus. The Army formed a convoy and we slowly made our way to the main gates of the palace, as we approached the army death looked daunting and more freighting then they sounded, only a handful were atop steeds like us however their creature's didn't look as majestic as the Pegasus', instead they looked horses at the brink of starvation and in the sockets where their eye's should be blue flames danced. The gates never opened as we approached and Leon, General Helmer and Myself carried on forward as the Army stopped behind us, "well, well, well, if it isn't the princess herself" A young sprite with dark sunken eye's and pointed teeth spoke as we stooped before the closed gates, "we thought we would have to fight to get your attention", Leon looked bored, "what is it that you want Deianira? Why have you risked coming here?" she sucked air between her teeth before replying, "We wanted to see if the rumors were true and to warn you" she cackled at the end of her sentence, "Princess Claramond" she spat my name out like it was poison, "if you do not denounce the thrown than we will have choice but to take it from you, it is rightfully Than's he killed the Queen and you have no claim to it, you are an imposter", her word's meant nothing to me, I starred into the black depths of her eye's "if Than wants the thrown so badly why did he send his lapdog instead of coming himself?", she growled at me like an animal, "you will get what is coming to you Princess", I smirked, "our Army will escort you to the border, if you do not leave peacefully they will not hesitate to end all of you" I said it with more confidence than I felt, she bristled at my words.

I saw a flash of anger in her eyes as she muttered beneath her breath, Leon spotted it straight away and shouted for me to retreat but it was too late, a green shimmery light hit me in the side as my Pegasus turned and a scream left my lips, I raised my hands and aimed them in her direction releasing all the power I built up whilst talking and a gust of wind knocked her straight of her horse and into the soldiers behind knocking them down like bowling pins before my vision started to cloud. I felt myself falling but before I came into contact with the ground someone caught me, I could here the faint sounds of fighting behind us as the Pegasus we were on galloped away from it and then I let the darkness take me.

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