Finding the power

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Leon was still kneeling on the ground, making me feel slightly uncomfortable, "the pleasure is mine Sir Leandor", Leon rose at my Fathers word's, "how long will the portal be open for?" My father asked as he came to stand at my side, "only a few minute's more" Leon responded holding his hand out to me, "we must go Clara", I quickly turned to embrace my Dad before taking Leon's hand and stepping through the portal, a few guard's were standing around the portal awaiting our return with Magus in the middle Clearly concentrating his power on the portal behind us. Just as I started to feel the energy of the portal lesson, all hell broke loose and I mean literally, dozen's of portal's opened up around us the Army of Death came rushing through but before I could even think about my next move I was pushed backwards by a panic stricken Leon. I landed on my ass with a humph as the portal fizzled out of existence, I needed to get back to them, to Leon, to stop the Army of Death, it's not like I actually know how I would do it but being stuck in the human realm wasn't going to help anyone.

 My panic was rising and my power lashing out with nowhere to go, waves of pure energy just kept rolling off of me, I could faintly hear someone calling my name as my vision started to blacken around the edge's, I could feel myself rising from the ground as my anger built ready to overflow, I wanted to kill them all, wipe them out of existence, the wind picked up spiraling above me forming a funnel and I couldn't care less, I had just found where I belonged, I had just found the real me, I made friends, I found family and yet Deianira and Than think they can defeat me just like that, well they had another thing coming.

My anger and power was rising rapidly as was my panic, I had no way to get back to Faerie to Elphame, to Leon. Slowly I came back to the ground and with all my might and power I tried to open a portal, I had done it without realizing so surely I would be able to do it again if I tried hard enough. My first attempt didn't go too well ,I ended up setting fire to the patch of grass in front of me, I screamed in frustration and let a burst of energy build up and fly out around me, a low grunt grabbed my attention then, spinning round I noticed my Dad slumped on the ground a few feet behind me, more frustration built within me along with guilt, I sighed in relief when he straightened himself out and came to his feat once more. He was fine so I turned my back and tried once again to open a portal, a small blue light flickered into existence before being engulfed by darkness, my eye's widened, the darkness had finally come to claim me. My heart rate increased my breathing coming out in short gasps as the darkness that took over the blue light started to grow and seep it's way towards me, "Clara" I heard my name being called once more, "Clara" My Dad's face was suddenly right in front of me, his lip's were moving but I could no longer hear his words as I watched in horror as the darkness spread out around us, "the darkness" I whimpered, "it found me" I was ready to give up when my Dad grabbed me roughly by the shoulder's, "you are the darkness Clara, calm yourself or instead of being the savior you will be the destroyer of world's" his face held a hint of fear, "I'm the darkness?" but that didn't sound right, "or the light, it is your choice it has always been your choice" why did everything he was saying make sense? It was like I knew already but I just needed confirmation, the darkness is within me, and it clicked it all clicked everything that Madame Sybil had said finally clicked into place.

Instead of focusing on the frustration and the feeling of loss I tried to focus on more positive memories, blowing out the candles on my birthday cake when I was five, the feeling of the wind rushing through my hair as learned how to ride a bike, my parents beaming at me on my first day of school, the look of wonder and pride on Leon's face as my wing's released. That's all it took, it was as simple as that, with each memory the darkness receded, the back yard seemingly back to normal. I took a deep breath to steady myself and pictured the faces of those I cared about back in Elphame, Magus, Leon even General Helmer as I directed my power to bend and spread at my will, holding my hands in front of me as I slowly pulled them apart and a large blue portal took form. I could feel the tear's wet on my cheeks as I turned to my Dad noticing that he was in armor similar to that of Leon's, "your not going alone", he gave me a small smile before we stepped through the light together.

The scene that greeted us was one straight from a battle field, sword's clashing and magic being thrown around, I couldn't help but scan the crowd for those I care about, I spotted Helmer to my right taking down a dark sprite with a single swing of his sword his large frame seeming to glide effortlessly and gracefully when a flash of blonde gold caught my eye, I turned in time to see a Lion pounce on a fairly ugly and boney creature. I sucked in a breath at the sight of the Lion knowing in my heart that it was Leon and he was safe, he was a freaking Lion shifter though! The bloodshed that incurred around me made my heart ache, I let my wing's free rising above the crowd as I built my power up inside of me, I called upon the wind and water as storm clouds formed above us, I pushed the power of wind out with all my might causing a few slightly smaller pixies and fairies to topple in the gust of wind and then the rain came, the rain came heavy and cold as I threw my back, I pictured the rain forming into sharp spike's of ice, willing it to fall towards our enemy's and praying that no one I knew got hurt, I felt a tug at a new power I hadn't yet explored and gave it a slight push when lightening both deafening and blinding exploded all around us.

I could feel myself lowering to the ground as fatigue pulled at my senses, I had no idea who was injured or if the Army of Death had been defeated or had decided to retreat, but the only sounds around me were that of rushing footsteps and the occasional groan of pain before sleep took me in it's grasp and I welcomed it like an old friend.

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