Not afraid of the dark

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I'm paralyzed by whatever they just injected me with and I can see blood coating Leon's face face making his hair stick to his forehead and all I could do was dart my eye's around in panic, fear and darkness taking a hold of my powers and soul as I struggled with the fact that I had failed him and everyone in the palace, in Elphame for that matter and my heart twisted with a murderous feeling my mind set on finding Than and making him pay for the way he has treated my people, his own people.

Someone lifts me up and throws me over their shoulder as they ascended the steps up and out of the cell's, the screaming had lessened the sounds of battle fading, heavy footfalls and evil laughter filled the halls in its place and a chill ran straight down my spine. The heaviness in my limbs started to lift but the darkness of my powers filled my limbs instead.

I placed not so gently on the ground with my wings tucked awkwardly beneath me as I stared up at the ceiling of the throne room, I'm unsure of how long I was laying there for but it felt like an eternity, I sucked in a breath as someone roughly grabbed me by my arms and lifted me into the Throne, I was able to hold my head up as I tried to lift my arms or wield my magic and failed, the darkness seeping further into my bones.

Heavy footsteps sounded towards the throne room and all the warriors of the dark army fell to their knee's, over the tops of their heads I spotted Magus, my Father, Fiona, Barnard and several palace guards bound with magic in the center of the room, one of the warrior placed Leon at my feet as Than sauntered into the room like he owned the damn place, he chuckled dryly as he came up in front of me and I felt the rage burn hot like flames through my veins, "you have three choice's so choose carefully" his cold gaze held me as he placed his foot on Leon's throat and my eye's widened with horror, "you could leave now retreat the human realm and denounce your claim to throne or you could rule by my side and welcome the darkness and the powers it holds", my limbs grew lighter but I tried not to let it show as I glared at him with anger, "or you can watch kill all those you care about before bending you to my will, so what will it be Claramond?" there was a manic tone to his voice and swear shadows were seeping from his skin, his eyes bore into mine as I slowly pulled my lips into a smirk ready to bite back with a witty remark then all I saw was darkness, whispers filled the air around me, "come to us...", "join us...", "let us share our powers...", "you belong with us...", "except us as a part of you...", "we can do great things together..." on and on the whispers kept going getting louder each time my vision cleared and was if time hadn't even passed. The shadows seeping away from Than were very real and they were making their way straight to me, he looked around perplexed as to what was happening as the shadows coiled around me caressing me like an old friend, pure powers surged within me leaving only a feeling of euphoria behind and for the first time since hearing the prophecy I didn't fell scared, I was no longer afraid of the darkness that had been searching take a hold of me as now I had found it, I was going to bend it to my will and use against the man who had bought here. More shadows seeped out of the walls and joined those coating my body until slowly they seeped beneath my skin leaving a small amount curling around my head like a crown of darkness.

The heaviness completely gone in my limbs as my powers lifted me of the throne to rise a few feet above everyone and darkness clouded the edges of my vision as rage burned deep within me, my wings spread wide as I prepared to unleash my new found power on those below me, "Clara don't let them take you" Leon's voice was barley above a whisper but it sent a surge of love through my heart and veins dulling the ecstasy the shadows brought with them, I looked own into Leon's eye's as slowly started to move into a crouch trying to go unnoticed as everyone's eye's were trailed on me, "I can't lose you, I've only just found you" his voice broken as he pleaded with me not to let the darkness take control, "I believe in you Clara" my Dad's voice called out to me, "you can do anything you set your mind to" Magus chipped in.

The darkness lightened not metaphorically but quiet literary as I looked into Leon's eye's a million messages between us and I felt the Darkness lighten I saw the blackness about my head slowly turn silver and the silver in my wings started to glow like someone was shining alight on them at just the right angel, the golden streaks in Leon's hair started to burn with intensity like they were made of real gold, Than sucked in a breath, "soulmates" he practically spat the word out and I smirked at him as I descended to be at eye level with him, "I'll give you three choice's" my voice was sickly sweet, "you can either hand yourself over and die now, or can pretend like you have a chance to defeat me and still die", he looked at me in outrage, "your third option, well maybe I just won't give the third option because a piece shit like you doesn't deserve a choice", a vein his head looked ready to pop as he gritted his teeth in anger, "and what makes you think a weak girl like you can defeat me alone" he sounded cocky too cocky for my liking, "what makes you think I'm alone in this?" I cocked my head to the side just as Leon shifted form behind him and let out a deafening roar. I didn't hesitate as I flicked my wrist and the binds on my family friends fell away, a flick of my other wrist and half Than's army was on it's knees clutching at their chests and he growled up at me like a feral beast.

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