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It had been a week since the Seer had taken me to Between and I still couldn't make any sense of her riddles, I had however discovered I had the ability to control the element of fire, memories of my sixteenth Birthday flashed through my mind, guilt ripping through me.

I sat in the large study of the castle going through the dozens of books and scrolls on the history of Faeries Royals, the Seer kept mentioning my blood and power and the fact that I was royal, maybe I could find some answers from these. With my head bent down on the latest scroll I hadn't noticed Leon gliding into the seat opposite me, "still doing homework?" I looked up into his captivating eyes, I sighed leaning back in my seat, "I need to figure out what Madame Sybil was trying to tell me" he reached across the table flipping the scattered books around me closed, "none of it makes sense Leon, one minute the royals are Fae then their Titans then they are the Gods born from the Titans, you know these scrolls refer to Cronus and Zeus right?" I let the frustration lace my voice, Leon tilted his head slightly and looked at me like you might a small child, "Because they were Fae, Royals of Faerie just like you, only thousands of years ago and before the bloodlines weekend, has Magus not been teaching you this?" I shook my head tentatively "we've been focusing on trying to unlock my power" he nodded slowly, "There was a time when Fae and humans lived side by side, Fae would move between the realms, when the Royals visited the human realm they were referred to as Titans and their children Gods due to the fact that Fae live for hundreds of years and for the life giving and taking powers they possessed, there was a time when the power of the Royals was so strong it was rumored to be able to create new worlds or destroy old one's. As wars broke out between the worlds and between our people the Royals started to dwindle in numbers and the bloodline was weakened, the Royals are the most powerful Fae to ever exist all together their were four Royal families of Fae, powers were passed down through the bloodlines that other Fae could not posses and even though  the bloodline has weakened along the years the power of Royals is still the greatest amongst our kind and you Clara are the last Royal". I was sat mouth gaping trying to process it all, I mean I know they keep telling I'm a Princess and the only one who can save the worlds, but the last Royal! He's got to be out of his god dammed mind. 

A small bubble of excitement rushed through me then, "what kind of powers did they posses?" I sounded like a school kid eager for the topic, he ruffled his hand through his hair, "Elemental power was the common amongst the Royal's" he looked like he was thinking hard on the subject, "some had the ability's to create portals without spells and ingredients to not just control the natural elements but bend light and become invisible, like most Fae they could shapeshift and fly, only Royals could fly without wings and posses the power of telekinesis not forgetting the power to give and take life". My frustration started to return, my powers had only just started to show, yes I could control fire but that can't be it! I jumped up with a new determination, "train me to fight" he looked at me quizzically before jumping to his feet too a smile spreading across his face, "that might be just what you and your powers need" he turned to the door then, "what?" that made no sense, "you're body is too weak for your powers" he called over his shoulder as he left the room, "oh" it made sense in a way I had lived as a human for eighteen years after all.

The next morning I stood in the courtyard confident and ready as a cool breeze swept over me waiting for Leon, he said my training would begin at sunrise but that was twenty minutes ago, I was about ready to give up when I saw him heading my way carry a large bag and what appeared to be wooden swords, he dropped the bag at my feat laying the swords on top, "let's see what you've got Princess", ugh I let out an irritated sigh it was too early for this, "CLARA" he merely smirched at my outburst. 

My ass got handed to me several times that day and several times everyday for nearly a week after, I was beginning to think that maybe I was a lost caused and definitely not the Royal they were searching for. We were sparring in the makeshift outdoor gym he'd constructed when we first started training, I was getting faster and stronger and I was beginning to predict his next move, I was using my concentration on trying to get him on his ass but every time I thought I was getting close he would tackle, knock or push me to the ground with ease. A small crowd had started to gather and my patience was wearing thin, he over powered me once more sending me flying to my ass, I shook myself both mentally and physically as I got up, I got in a few hit's before leaping into the air intending to push him to the ground but instead of coming back toward the ground I rose higher and higher until I was hovering a good ten foot above the ground, Leon stumbled backwards in shock as a few of the palace staff gasped in shock then a gust of wind built up around me turning me slowly when I felt a pop in my back either side of my shoulder blade's, I threw my head back in a silent scream as heat built up along my spine and then just as quickly as it came it disappeared and the gust slowed back to a gentle breeze, I slowly floated back toward the ground landing on one knee, I gasped as I landed sucking in a deep breath and coming to my full height. Everyone was standing gawping at me and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, I had the urge to hide my face when large black and silver wings like those of a butterfly flapped either side of me and I squealed in surprise, I glanced over my shoulder expecting to see another Fae or creature behind me only to find the wings were mine, "Le-Leon" I could hardly talk I was in so much shock, he was in front me before I even had a chance to blink, "I guess I have wings now" I sounded slightly deluded, "it would appear so, but Clara you flew without them and controlled the wind" he was beaming at me, I could see dark spots start to dance across my vision the joy and excitement suddenly replaced with fatigue, I sagged forward into his arms as my vison clouded over completely.

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