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I feel strong arms lift me and the smell's of home fill my senses. I keep slipping in and out of consciousness but no matter how hard I try I can't open my eyes and my mouth can't form the word's needed to convey that I was awake so I just let the darkness of sleep take me once again. 

The first sense to return was my hearing and I slowly drifted back into consciousness I could hear voice's next to me, "what happened?" my Dad's strong but shaky voice asks near my head, "she released a lot of power in a short amount of time, her body wasn't prepared for it" Magus replied in a sad tone, "it will take time but she will heal, her body just needs to regain it's strength", there was a pause before hurried footsteps sounded, "is she awake?" strangely my heart skipped a beat at the sound of Leon's voice, "it may be some time before she wake's" I heard Magus reply as a warm hand was placed over mine, I tried so hard to open my eye's, to twitch a finger or to say something, no matter how hard I tried nothing worked and slipped back into a dreamless sleep.

I don't know how long I had been lying here slipping in and out of consciousness without the ability to communicate, but I could feel not only my strength returning but my power also, it was like a warm buzz running through my veins that both startled and comforted me. Footsteps once again hurried towards me, "Sir Rainer, your presence has been requested in the cell's" I didn't recognize the voice of the woman that spoke it was sweet with a melodic tone but I did feel a weight lift from the bed near my leg's and realized that my Dad had been sitting with me, for how long I didn't know but it still warmed my heart to know he was here with me, I lay alone for a while before drifting again.

This time when I woke it was to the sound of Leon's voice, "Deianira is of no use, no one has been able to retrieve any information from her about Than's plans, Magus is brewing up a potion to help loosen her tongue", once again a warm hand encircled mine, "with hope this potion will work, I just wish that he had one to wake up Clara" My Dad responded as another slightly larger hand encircled my other one, "me too" Leon's voice sounded so sad, I wanted to reassure him that I was ok that I was awake but sleep took it's hold once more.

I tried to harness my power to make a light breeze pass through the room to let them know I was awake, that I was ok, but I heard no footsteps, no voice's and felt no power releasing, growing frustrated with myself I lay awake for some time trying to pry my eye's open, I was about ready to give up and succumb to the sleep once more when my eyelids began to slowly pull apart. I expected to wake up to a sun filled room with all those I care about surrounding me but instead I was greeted with darkness and the feeling of loneliness filling me. Finally I was truly awake, my eye's open now all I had to do was convince my body to move! It took some time and a lot of energy but I finally managed to get myself into a position ready to push myself of the bed, I was desperate for the toilet. Just as I started to push upwards a door opened, light flooding in from the bathroom and I had to lift an arm to cover my eye's, a gasp pulled attention back towards the door, "Clara" Leon said my name so softly I almost didn't hear it, I tried to stand and instantly stumbled, he wrapped his arm around my waist making me jump a little, "how did you get over here so fast?" I leaned on him for support, "and why are you in my room?" I looked up to him to see his cheeks flushed red and followed his line of sight to the small couch on the opposite side of the room that wasn't there before, "I... I didn't want you to wake up alone" he pulled me into his side and I let him lead me towards the bathroom, him already figuring out what I was trying to do, he left me propping myself up against the wash basin, and I peered in the mirror to see my cheeks had sunken slightly with dark rings around my eye's and looking as pale as a ghost, with a sight I pushed hair back and splashed my face with water.

Slowly making my way back into the room I found Leon seated on the couch he had made his bed, looking between the couch and my bed I decided to sit next him with fear that my shaky legs wouldn't go much further, "how long was I out for?" I asked as soon as I was seated next him not missing how he tensed slightly at my proximity, "five day's" his voice held so much emotion, "what happened?" was my next question, "you mean what happened after I made sure to push you back to the mortal realm for safety?" I should of known he wasn't going to let me forget that, "you saved us Clara, as soon as you unleashed your power the army of death scarpered back through their portals, those that didn't were either killed by the ice spears or taken as prisoner, Deianira is currently in the cell's" he leaned back before taking my hand in his and I noticed his hair was wet, he must of been showering which would explain why he was in the bathroom, "I thought I lost you... we thought we lost you, but Clara you were bloody amazing and if it wasn't for you a lot of us wouldn't be here today. How are you feeling?" I could hear the adoration in his voice as well as see it on his face, I sighed heavily, "tired, after all the sleeping I've been doing I feel tired" I answered honestly and got a chuckle in return, "let's get you back to bed then" he made to stand before I pulled him back down, leaning against him I couldn't help but feel safe and content, "Just stay with me a little?" I asked with a yawn, he pulled me into his side once again wrapping his arm around my waist in response and as soon as I lay my head on his chest I drifted off to sleep.

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