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Leon's p.o.v

Before we left the cell's Clara told the guards to bind Dieanira's ankles too, nothing could get past her and I was so damn proud of her.

I followed Clara and Rainer to the advisors chambers which will soon become the council chambers, Magus had stacks of applications to get through but I was still trying to get my anger under control, Clara sat in a corner going through a stack of papers and I just needed to run, I needed to shift into my Lion and run, I gave Magus a curt nod as I decided doing just that is exactly what I'm going to do.

As I stepped out into the courtyard I wasted no time, stripping down behind the large oak tree and letting my Lion form take full control of my body, I stretched out my paws in front of me and sped off towards the forest at the edge of the perimeter, as soon as I was surrounded by trees a let a roar escape my throat and it felt good.

I lost track of time, I let my Lion take full control and ran through the forest until I was near exhaustion, with a heavy sigh I returned to the courtyard and threw on my Jean's carrying the rest of my clothing back to my room, the room that I haven't used in weeks the room that has become my closet. I quickly showered and headed straight back to the council chambers but found only Magus remained, "you need to tell her my boy, before it's too late" his voice startled me I hadn't even realised he noticed I was there, "I know, but I don't know how" I leaned against the door frame and crossed my arms at him, "you will figure it out, but the longer you wait the more you risk losing the bond" he peered at me over his spectacles and waved a hand in a shoeing motion. Silently I made my way through Clara's room intending on sleeping on the couch when a soft moan escaped her lips and looked at her in surprise, her face was scrunch up like something unpleasant was happening and then she screamed, I ran straight to her side and tried to gently wake her but she carried on screaming, I panicked not knowing what to do and I wrapped my arms around her intending to wake her but instead she stilled instantly and snuggled against my chest, I sighed in relief and instead got on the bed behind her.

I only planned to stay lying with her in arms until I thought she was her apparent bad dream but exhaustion finally had it's way I slipped into a deep sleep. I was comfy Clara's scent of vanilla and orchids filling my dreams, her body lightly pressed againg mine, when I felt her move away but I didn't want her to kove away and instead I drew her nearer, this is my favourite dream I didn't want to end, "Leon" her sweet melodic voice called me, someone pushed my shoulder lightly, "Leon" her voice called again and I reluctantly opened one eye, sleep still pulling at my consciousness, I looked at at Clar in my arms and quickly drew back, shit what is she going to think of me know, "Clara... I'm sorry you were having a bad dream, I tried to wake but you calmed when I held you, I was just..." I was about to continue with my stupid explanation as I started retreating from the bed but her hand on my arm gave me pause, "it's ok" her voice came out softly like she afraid she'd startle me, "I like waking up next to you", my heart damn near stopped at her confession and a small smile pulled at my lips as her cheeks flushed pink, I watched as she darted to the bathroom and chuckled to myself.

I needed a walk I needed to clear my head and pick the courage to speak to her to speak my truth to her and soon I found myself wondering the halls, I hadn't been out here long when the thought of her having another bad dream without me there crossed my mind and I found myself once again in her room. I honestly don't know why hut her admittance to liking waking up next me gave me courage and slipped into bed beside her once more drawing close and sleep took my thoughts away.

I woke to the sun slipping through the gaps in the curtains and Clara, my Clara in my arms, I moved a strand of hair from her face and gazed at her intently when her eyes started to flutter open, I didn't move nit an inch as she turned around in my arms and peered up at me, "morning" I smiled down at her, "morning" her voice was so quiet that if I wasnt Fae or a Lion shifter I might not of heard it, slowly she reached up and grazed her fingertips along my jaw and I watched as her eyes widened and heard her heart beat faster, I took her hand and softly kissed her palm, "Le...Leon" she stammered my name and right then I decided I didn't give  a shit about anything but her and I needed to tell her everything about how I felt about the bond and whole being soulmates thing, "Clara, I can't keep pretending", I kept my gaze locked with hers, "pretending what?" She cocked her head to the side that was so damb cute, "pretending that there isn't a bond between us, pretending that it's all in my head, that you don't want me as much as I want you" I took a breath ready to tell her about the Mates thing when she kissed me, I hesitated momentarily caught of guard before returning the kiss softly but a passionate.

We pulled apart slowly and my hand went straight to her hip as she placed her gently on my cheek, "I've waited too long to do that", she blushed as she said it and I couldn't do anything hut grin at her all words escaped me, I started to lean down towards her once more to place another kiss on her soft lips when a knock sounded at the door, she giggled lightly and I couldn't help but wonder who would be knocking on her door so early, "just a minute" she called out grabbing a robe from the foot of the bed she opened the door as I slipped out of the bed stood in the middle of the room so I could see who was at the door, Magus looked directly at me a knowing look in his eyes before he turned his attention to Clara, "sorry for the disturbance your majesty" he bowed his head slightly and I could imagine the eye roll and look she was giving him, "you can still call me Clara Magus" she didn't sound too annoyed at him, "I have narrowed the search for the council members down to ten, I thought you might like to make the final decision" he passed a stack of paper, "thank you Magus"  she barely finished speaking when he nodded again and walked away, she closed the door and then leaned up against it smiling at me sweetly and I couldn't help myslef I ached to kiss her again, I strode across the room with purpose and pushed her up against the door as I kissed her with so much passion hoping to tell her all that I felt in that one kiss.

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