The past returns

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My was pounding, the memory of what happened flashed through my mind, in all the month's that I've been here I finally acted like the royal they keep telling me am and it gets me injured, but oh my gosh I used my power over wind and it done exactly what I wanted it to, I think I'm finally starting to hang of this. I could hear voices that seemed to be whisper shouting and I had to fight for my eyelids to pry open, Leon and Magus were stood at the foot of my bed arguing with one another, "she wouldn't be hurt if you didn't let her get involved" Magus sounded angry and concerned all at once, "she said it herself, we keep telling that she is the ruler of Elphame and yet we haven't treated as such, all we've done is train her to fulfill the prophecy, but what end? she will still take the throne of Elphame will she not?" Leon was agitated and neither of them noticed that I was awake, "the throne won't be there to take if the prophecy isn't fulfilled and you know that" Magus gave up on whispering and practically shouted, the pounding in my head was getting worse and I all wanted was for the arguing to stop and the pain to go away, I thought about making them leave and then I heard to loud bangs and glass shattering, slowly I opened my eye's afraid of what I might see, they were no longer standing at the foot of my bed, gingerly I pulled myself into a sitting position and I could Leon's form slumped against a wall, I panicked and went to run to him when I noticed the shattered glass on the floor, I approached it slowly to find one of the windows shattered with blood dripping from the broken glass and there on the balcony lay an unconscious Magus with cut's along his cheeks. The panic increased ten fold and flashes of my life of fuck ups came to me in a rush, Zoe covered in flames, Ben with his arm in a sling, my Dad lying on the floor with blood seeping out of his head wound, the look of horror and freight on my mother's face on and on the memories rushed forward and the tears spilled over my eye's, I'd done it again, I'd hurt those around me and those I cared about, I could feel my power surging.

As I ran to the door I could Leon groan, I didn't look back I didn't stop I flung the door open and fell straight into water, wait water? I sunk further and further down into the depths until my feet connected with smooth tiles, I tried to push upward but the panic and shock of where I was, made me let a breath, a breath that I needed, stupidly I tried to suck in air and my lungs began to fill water, shit, shit, shit, what do I do now? I pulled on all the power I could find not truly knowing what to do with it, I just released it and hoped for the best.

The water started to swirl around me and then it started to rise pushing me upwards towards the surface, as soon as I broke the surface I started to sputter the water out of my lungs. I pulled myself to the pools edge and gasped recognizing my surroundings, I was lying on the patio of Zoe's house dripping wet with the stairs twinkling above. 

The kitchen light flicked on and I dashed towards the bushes, the the small parting hidden behind the leaves that lead me to the back yard of my childhood home, as soon as I stepped through I came face to face with my Dad and froze, what else could I do? I haven't seen the man in two year's. He looked as shocked as I felt, "Clara..." he rushed to me ingulfing me in a giant hug and I instantly broke down in his arms, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" I kept repeating it in between sobs and he stroked my hair telling me it was all going to be ok. Once I finished with my mental break down he lead me to the house wrapping me in towels as soon as i stepped in, "where have you been? Why did you leave? What happened Clara?" he didn't even take a breath between the questions, (see where i get it from?) I chuckled lightly at his outburst, "I... I was ashamed after what happened to you and Zoe, I didn't want to hurt anyone else so I left" I sat myself at the dinning table as I continued, "Leon found me about eight month's ago, he told me who I am, who my mom really is and who you are, he took me to Elphame and I... I hurt him", a sob caught in my throat, "I didn't mean to hurt him, or you, or anyone, I ran and somehow ended up in Zoe's pool and now I don't know how to get back there, I need to make sure he ok and..." I gasped "Magus, oh poor Magus, I hurt him too" he placed a cup of hot coco in front of me then, I hadn't even seen him make it, "you know Magus?" he asked in surprise "Clara, none of it is your fault" he added seeing my distraught expression, "if anything it is my fault and Queen Adela's, we never should of taken you away from Faerie, we should of told who you were and we never should of tried to strip you of your powers" his eye's widened at the realization of what he had just said, "you tried to strip me of my power's? I could forgive the hiding me from the Fae, for lying to me my whole life, even when they told me you aren't my real Dad I didn't care, because you raised me as your own but trying to take my powers? My birth right, how could you?" I was shocked at how eerily calm my voice was, "Clara please understand we done it to protect you, we thought if your powers were gone then the prophecy would disappear with them, we never anticipated how strong they are, when Queen Adela tried the binding spell your powers lashed out and weakened her, it weakened your powers in the process but the older you got the stronger they became, the darkness follows you Clara we couldn't let it take you" he came around the table and embraced me once more, "please forgive me" his voice was barely a whisper and it held so much emotion, it didn't matter how angry with him I was my face and heart softened at his words and I hugged him back.

 A bright blue light immitted from the back yard and we both rushed to the patio doors to see Leon stepping through the light looking on high alert, I pulled the door open and rushed to him, his face softened as he caught me in his arms, "I'm so sorry" I've been saying that a lot tonight, "none of it is your fault Clara, I'm just glad that you are ok, we started to think Than had something to with it but Elida claimed she saw you open a portal, it took some time but Magus was able to track and almost duplicate the magic to find you" he pulled away then and looked over my head noticing my Dad for the first time, "Sir Rainer Balfager, it is on honour" he went down to one knee and placed his right hand over his heart as he said it.

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