Chapter 1: The Move From Colorado To Washington...

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*Kyra's POV*

"But mom I really don't want to move to a place that I don't know and haven't been there before, this is so stupid!"  I said whining.

" Kyra there's no room for you to argue about moving or not, because you know I'm always working and trying to pay the bills around here so we aren't out living on the street. But don't worry your father lives in Washington so at least you'll know one person there, and your father said to me on the phone that you'll even have your own room and your bathroom is inside your bedroom so you wouldn't have to walk as far."  Tris said seriously.

"Mom I know that you work all the time to pay the bills. Fine, I guess I'll give it a try and plus it shouldn't be that hard since I have my super cool superhuman powers."  I said.

"Kyra Summers,"  Tris said frustrated.

"Fine I won't use my powers for evil and I will only use my powers when necessary and for good reasons only and I won't use my powers to cheat at school,"  I said giving in.

"Good because I don't want to hear any reports from your father or the school, understand?." Tris said.

" Yes, mother,"  I said irritated

I stomp out of the kitchen and stomps off to my room to start packing because my flight is tomorrow morning. 'Who does my mom think she is, obviously my mom but still why is she doing this to me.' 'Hmmm I'm wondering if she has some secret boyfriend or something, is that why she wants me gone so I'm out of the way.'  I grumbled in my thoughts so my mom won't hear me.

I finally get done packing and I'm kind of hungry so I walk to the kitchen and I make a butter, peanut butter, and jelly sandwich. Then I make my way to my room once again and sit on my bed finishing the sandwich and laid down, as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell into a deep sleep until morning.

*The Next Morning*

"Mom I'm off to the airport, don't miss me too much but I'll call you once a day, ok!"  I yelled.

"Ok sweetie, be good to your father, you should be glad that he's taking you in and giving you a new start. I think you'll like Washington and the town Forks and the school."  Tris yelled back.

"Mom I got to go, or I'm gonna miss my flight," I said laughing.

"Ok bye, I Love You,"  Tris said.

I get into my Convertible and drove to the airport. I waited in line to get on the plane. Finally, I got on the plane and I put my luggage in the luggage compartment and closed it. Then I sat down in my seat and waited until the plane took off, then I suddenly fell asleep on the man's shoulder sitting next to me, and lucky for me he didn't mind a bit because I was sooo damn tired.

*An Hour Later*

I woke up noticing that I fell asleep on a cute guy's shoulder. " Um whoops, I uh I think I fell asleep on you, I'm so sorry." (Blushing) I said embarrassed.

"Hey really it's ok, you looked really tired so it's ok. By the way, my name is Zane Winchester. What's your name?" Zane asked me.

"My name is Kyra Summers. It's nice to meet you Zane Winchester"  I said.

"It's nice to meet you too Kyra Summers. And Zane is just fine, you don't need to call me by my full name, ok, Ky" Zane said.

"Ok Zane, so why are you going to Washington?"  I asked him.

"I'm moving there for a new start,"  Zane said.

"Interesting, me too. Are you going to school too"  I asked him?

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