|01 - Pilot|

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"Make sure to get it all ready by the 14th, alright?" We all nod in unison, and the President dismisses us, walking out of the room as we all pack up.

"So, when should we meet up to decide who gets what?" Kelly, the vice president asks, and the rest of us shrug. I check the time on my phone really quickly before speaking up, my voice loud in the room.

"If everyone doesn't mind, we could do it now. We still have 30 minutes left anyway." Kelly nods, and we all gather around her desk, standing as she pulls out the assignment sheet.

"Alrighty, here's what we have: Food Coordinator, Music Coordinator, Decorations Manager, Marketing Strategist, and some more listed here; you guys can read those by yourself. Each one can have a group of three max. So, who's up for dibs?"

Everyone starts discussing in hushed whispers while I stand there, trying to decide between Food and Decorations.

Not having friends in clubs like this sucks, but oh well.

"We'll take Marketing," one group speaks up, and Kelly quickly scribbles down their name.

"Decorations," someone else says, and I sigh as Kelly writes again, struggling as everyone shouts out what they want.

"Ok...we have music left, anyone up?" I raise my hand before anyone else, hoping to snatch it.

"Iris, right?" Nodding enthusiastically, she smiles sweetly and quickly scratches it down before clicking her pen back in and signing. Grabbing the specific papers for each group or person, she passed them out and I took them, thanking her quietly. People started slowly filing out, and I went back to my desk, packing up my stuff and searching for my headphones.

"Hey, Iris?" I hum, turning around as I untangle the headphones I had borrowed from Cleo; I was stupid and left mine at Ryan's house. Maybe I should go back later today to get them, I muttered silently to myself. "Umm did you say something?" she asks. "Oh, sorry, no!" I say as I fiddle with my fingers: a nervous habit of mine.

"Are you sure you can do the Music thing alone? It's been one of the hardest ones in the past, and if you'd like I can pull someone from a different group to work with you-"

I shake my head, smiling. "I'm alright, Kelly. It's not a big deal. Trust me, this year you'll have the best music at the festival!" She pursues her lips and nods hesitantly before waving, leaving me alone in the room as I collect the last of my things.

Ash's POV

"Dad, you said you will be here for my birthday this time..." I say, already expecting his answer. "I'm sorry, Ashlyn; you know it's my girlfriend's birthday week as well." Something stung in my heart, but I put it away, tired of his stupid excuses. "I get it. She's your girlfriend, she's obviously better than your daughter. Whatever. Just- just don't come home drunk when you realize she's using you, as usual." I quickly cut the call, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes.

I can't tell if I am sad or just furious with rage. Breathing heavily, I try to control my emotions, locking them away in a small box in the corner of my mind. No matter what I do, though, it'll always hurt being alone on your fucking birthday.

Of course, my mother couldn't be here as well. Being a model and an executive editor, it barely leaves her anytime to look after her one and only daughter, or even visit her for her birthday. I know so many fucking people that would die to have our lifestyle, but what's the use if the house is empty all the damn time?

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