|03 - Iris Collins|

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Iris Collins. Almost everyone in college knew her, and I fucking hated her.

What did she have to smile at like that all the damn time?

And the fucking outfits she loved to prance around in; they got on my fucking nerves.

It didn't help the fact that she was as oblivious as a deer on a road; almost every guy and girl have had a crush on her at some point, and she had no clue.

Grumbling, I brushed the strands of hair out of my eyes, staring up at the ceiling.

My alarm begins to scream, and I resist the urge to throw it across the room. After a good two minutes, I shut it off and rolled off the bed, letting the cold hit my bare torso.

Walking into the bathroom, I cringe at the ragged look I was sporting; tangled hair, puffy face, a sports bra, and shorts.

Glancing away from the mirror, I slip everything off and climb into the shower, letting the warmth hit my skin as I relax a little. The steam from the heat rises and fills the bathroom, fogging up the mirrors and the glass of the shower.

Finishing up, I grab the towel I had put on the top of the shower and wrapped it around my body, shaking my wet hair like a dog. I might as well be a dog at this point.

Quickly finding some clothes, I slipped on the black tank top and a biker jacket over it, grabbing the chain and locket jewelry I had acquired over the years thanks to the gang of Black Ice.

Flicking the wet hair out of my eyes, I grabbed my motorcycle keys and bound down the stairs.

"Ashlyn! Darling, please eat at least the sandwich," Dorothy yells from the kitchen, and I sigh, turning back around.

Going in, grab the sandwich and place it in my mouth, winking at her before leaving as I slip on my fingerless gloves.

Taking a bite of the sandwich, I smile, stuffing it in my mouth before climbing onto my car. I start up the car as I drive to campus.

"Omg! Did you see the new first years?"

"Damn, look at those legs, who is that?"

"Iris is part of the festival committee!!"

"She is so pretty, and for what? Oh my god, I want to be her."

"That ass, god! I swear I'm in love with her."

"I talked to her yesterday! She lend me her notes. She's literally so nice."

Can these fuckers please shut up? I don't need to know about little miss perfect on a Monday morning. It was bad enough that I had to see her on Friday. Although the coffee was good and that muffin... but that is COMPLETELY besides the point!

I grumble, growling when I see Iris walking to class with a guy on her heel. Swerving away, I spot West and Celeste, immediately walking over to them, a grim expression written across my face. "Hey!" Celeste greets me enthusiastically, an espresso sitting beside her and a smile. When I don't respond, West grins manically, his eyes dancing. "Woke up on the wrong side of bed today?" he says, laughing at his own pathetic joke.

"Fuck you." Celeste rolls her eyes, and I sit down, spreading my legs in a very unladylike position.

"I don't know if it is the fact it's a Monday morning, or the fact the little princess is making me so fucking mad." I grab the cookie out of West's hand and munch on it, smirking at his forlorn look. "Little princess?" Elle asks as she comes up to us, carrying her books in her hand and her wavy hair tied in a bun.

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