|12 - Hangover|

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Iris POV

"Holy shit..."

My head throbs, and I groan before turning around and stuffing my face into the pillow. And of course, my phone finds it to be the perfect time to ring, loud and clear beside my ear.

As soon as it starts, I yell and rip my eyes open, wincing at the bright light streaming through the window and grab my phone off the nightstand beside me.

"Hello?" My voice was hoarse, and I felt bad for whoever had to listen to it first thing in the morning.

"You're gonna be late for class," Cleo yells from the other side of the phone, and I gasp before kicking off my covers and jumping off my bed. That one sentence was enough to wake me up. What I didn't expect was the pillow that came flying at my face, knocking me back onto the mattress.

"Fuck off. Stay silent, will you? Can't deal with you in the morning." Ash's voice was muffled, her face and body covered in a cocoon of blankets and I widened my eyes.

"Ash, I have class! It's 8 and I don't wanna be late!" Slowly, the top of her head pokes out before I could see only her face. It was like she had only a face, with everything jawline down covered in covers.

"Are you stupid? It's Sunday. Now, get your ass back in bed before I make you." I gape at her and grab my phone, checking the date.

I look at my clothes and see I am still wearing the same ones from last night. In addition, I also now have smeared makeup on my face and pillow.

A growl falls out of my mouth and I quickly dial Cleo's number, ready to yell at her until a queasy feeling starts to stir in my stomach. I inhale once before rushing to the bathroom, slamming the door open and kneeling before the toilet.

"Iris?" Ash calls, and as I start to throw up, a pair of hands brush away the hair from my face and hold it back, letting me empty my stomach. I sat there for two minutes, gasping until I'm sure all of the vomit had cleared from my stomach before Ash helped me up. I walked to the sink and washed my mouth of the early morning vomit session.

"Shit," I mutter. "A wonderfully eventful morning." Ash snorts and brushes her hair over her shoulder. I sigh as I flush the toilet.

"You can't drink alcohol well, huh?" I look at her through the mirror, confused.

"Alcohol? But I didn't drink last night..."

Genuinely confused and lost, I kept gazing at her through the mirror. She flinched and took her hand off of me like I zapped her.

"You drank the coke, right? It was spiked. None of the drinks I bought last night were alcohol-free. And you must have drank a shit ton of that stuff because you were..."

"I was..?" She jams her pockets and walks out of the bathroom immediately, and I follow after her. As she rummages through her cabinets and drawers, I plop down on my couch with a frown on my face and my stomach still in small knots.

"Take this. It'll help with the hangover." Ash hands me an Advil, and I quickly gulp it down with water as questions spin in my mind. She avoids my gaze and gets back in her cocoon.

"So, I unintentionally got drunk last night. Great. At least it was on a Saturday." Sighing, I fall back against my bed and stare up at the popcorn ceiling.

"I didn't...um, I didn't do anything weird, right? Because I'm prone to doing crazy shit whenever I get drunk, which is exactly why I barely drink in the first place." I hear rustling, and it takes a moment before she replies gruffly.

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