|06 - Roommates|

817 11 7

 Ash POV

"As seen on the table, a venture capital firm, also known as a VC firm can give and provide support to stabilize a company. This can be especially helpful for younger companies since it is the key stage in the growth of a firm. This is the stage which can mark the success or failure of a business."

I bite back a yawn and check my phone for what seems like the thousandth time and disappointment fills me when I realize I have to sit through 15 more minutes of hell- sorry, lecture.

Running on only three hours of sleep, I'd been suffering from the worst headache which was yet to pass. Not to mention, I still have band practice after this.

My eyes droop with each second and soon, nearly closing completely every time. It was like heavy bricks were settled on my eyelids; frustrating and unnecessary.

"Although VR funding has many pros, there are also some cons," Professor Smith continues and gives a half-smile to all the front row students paying close attention and diligently taking notes.

"For instance, a company may not be ready to grow. Or how getting enough funds is a tedious, and difficult process. All these are major cons which can easily stop a growing company."

She presses a key on her laptop and the screen changes to another slide, showing another table filled with too many words and numbers for my brain to even recognize, let alone process.

My eyelids finally take over me and I put my head down, not caring about the class anymore. I began to doze off slowly and was unaware of the professor scanning the rows of students before spotting me.

"Ashlyn," she walked to the center of the large classroom; her red heels clicking against the floor. I faintly hear the loud clicking coming up the steps and soon a hand tassels me awake. I jerk up with a wild look, heart racing.

Professor Smith sighs and forces my head up. "Pay attention, Ms. Rivers; we have an important essay coming up about this topic. Come see me after class."

She calls on someone who has their hand up in the front row and they answer the question I would have never known the answer to.

"Another major con is how an investor owns a stake of the company which can cause the downfall of the business." I hear a student say, and Professor Smith saying a happy 'correct' to the answer. I roll my eyes as she smiles before moving on to the next topic.


Class is soon over and I grumble out a forced yes; silently celebrate the fact that I survived all my lectures today. My mind was still a haze, and as I rubbed my eyes and made my way to the front of the hall as it cleared out, the ring on my left middle finger burned against my skin.

Then, I remember I'm in trouble.


I pack my bag and head to Professor Smith's desk and she motions for me to come forward. Her face looks sympathetic but the words which come out after were harsh.

"Ashlyn, you need to pay attention in class. Your grades are starting to suffer because of it." I hang my head low, unsure of what to say. My jaw ticks as she begins to drone on and on about the same nonsense I've heard thousands of times.

Do better, Ashlyn. We raised you better, Ashlyn. C'mon Ashlyn, don't be a loser! Ashlyn, you're not doing it right.

"I am sorry Professor, it won't happen again," I say, giving the saddest pout I could muster.

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