|07 - Friends|

810 16 2



 Iris POV

I groan and stretch my arms as the sunlight streams onto my face, momentarily blinding me as I blink open. I open the shutters next to me and sunlight greets my face. Seeing some professors and students already up ready motivates me for the day.

I feel much more well-rested than yesterday

My phone keeps ringing and I grab it off the nightstand, bopping my head to the song that I had set as an alarm.

"Shut it off or I swear to god-"

I squeal and tumble off the bed, not expecting her voice to hear first thing in the morning. The comforter somehow rolls with me and I fall with a loud thud. I rub my back which hits my bed frame and winces.


She jumps up from under her covers when I yell, her eyes widen in surprise.

"Shit. Are you ok?!"

I groan and hold my head before nodding.

"Yeah; yeah, I'm fine. I get out from my blanket sushi roll and fix my messy hair. "Sorry, you startled me cause I kinda forgot you were here..."

She rolls her eyes and flops down onto the bed again, grabbing her phone and checking the time. Her eyes squint at the bright screen as one hand pushes away the few strands of hair that had found her face.

Now that I was closer to her (literally and metaphorically), I could see why she could do what she did; make people fall for her. Sharp side profile, hourglass body with the perfect amount of curves in the right places, icy green eyes, and her lips; I could literally write an entire novel on just how perfect they were.

She had a sharp, dominant aura to her and it was easy to understand why some people were afraid of her while others wanted to be near her.

Although right now, she had an oversized gray hoodie, messy hair, and some drool running down her chin. Looking more domestic than fierce.

She kinda looks cute in the morning.

"Why the hell are you up so early?" I frown, the giggles quickly disappear and I divert my attention back to her. Her voice sounded deeper and huskier, a slight rasp audible.

"Well, actually I have an early morning class today, then I have to study for an upcoming exam, and then-"

"Noooo," she groans, annoyed. "What's wrong?" I ask as I get up off the floor, dusting myself off.

"Angel, and I for once mean this in the nicest way possible, but can you please shut the fuck up. It's way too early for this shit." Her voice is muffled as she buries her face in the pillow, and I can't say I'm not the tiniest bit concerned for her.

"Oh, um, ok then. I'm gonna take a quick shower. Bathroom gonna be occupied for a bit." Not hearing a reply, I shrug and quickly grab a towel, throwing it over my shoulder before rushing into the bathroom and slipping off my clothes.

I adjusted the temperature to my comfort level and squirted a few pumps of body wash. The hot water hit my skin and I sighed, feeling my tense muscles relax.

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