|02 - Ashlyn Rivers|

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Iris POV

"Um- so, your name is Ash, am I right?" She gives no response as she starts the car, one hand gripped around the steering wheel. I gulp, fiddling with my fingers.

My eyes linger on the case she threw into the backseat of the car, and it intrigued me.

"Do you play the guitar?" All I received was a look that basically translated to shut the hell up I don't like you.

Obviously, do I stop?


"Well, if you do, that's actually really cool. I've always wanted to learn how to play it, but never really got around to-"

Her voice cuts mine, a smooth leathery sound that sent shivers down my spine.

The words weren't very nice, though.

"Look, I only decided to drop you because Dash is a fucking pervert and you seem to be Miss Angel. I didn't need him getting in someone else's pants only for them to come whining to me or Elle, so shut your ass up before I make you."

I blink, shocked yet slightly insulted.

"I'm not Miss Angel, you know." I cross my arms, looking out the window. Hearing a snort, my eyes narrow, pissed. "And why are you laughing?" Her eyes travelled down my body twice, and I felt my neck and ears heat up. "Nothing, Angel. You gotta tell me where your house is if you want to get out of the car." Rolling my eyes, I point out the directions, and she stops, letting me slip down. Before I could finish saying thank you, she drove off, leaving my hair flying everywhere.

"Prick..." I mutter, dusting myself off before inhaling.

Time to go deal with my parents, Yay.

Bounding up the stairs, I knock on the door, running a hand through my hair unconsciously,

My mom opens the door, a furious look on her face. "Get in. Now."

Gulping, I step in, ready to be scolded.

"Where the hell were you, Aesha?!" I cringe at her loud voice.

"Ma, I told you, I went walking-"

"And you told me you'd be home soon! It's gotten dark outside, do you even realize how many dangerous situations you could have gotten caught in?!"

I sigh, knowing she was right.

"Sorry, Ma. I promise I won't do that next time, alright?" She pursues her lips and nods, letting me go. Running up to my room, I quickly slip off my clothes and unclasp my bra, letting it fall to the floor. Starting the shower, I wait for it to heat up before slipping in, sighing at the relaxing feeling. Let's hope not every single second year is like that.

Technically, by this time, we were supposed to already be in our dorm rooms, except that they were getting renovated, and they said they would send out the lists once complete. It should be coming soon, and though I loved it here, I wanted to live at Uni too; it just seemed cool.

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"Where the hell did I put my phone?!" I curse myself, frantically searching around the house.

"Did you put it in the bathroom again, Aesha?" Ma yells, and I run to the bathroom, smiling when I spot it.

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