|Author Q & A|

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Hey everyone!

A while back  (and we mean a WHILE BACK) we said we wanted to do a Q&A and now that we have enough questions we would like to answer them. But before that we would also like to mention how thankful we are for 10k reads. This book means so much to us and y'all are the reason that we keep going. Consider this a small gift from us :)

Character Inspirations:

When writing this book we first planned out the characters of the story, mainly Ash and Iris. We wanted them to be polar opposites but still relate to each other because of their trauma. Iris having trauma from her assault and the pressure of not letting down her parents which we will get deeper into in later chapters. Meanwhile Ash who has grown up in an abusive household and witnessed a divorce early on, ultimately blurring her perception of love. These two come together and in turn bring out the best in each other. We wanted to express that when writing them and not shy away from such topics in hope to shed some light on them. Ash, Iris and the rest of the characters all have parts of us and we share some of our struggles through them. And hopefully you all can relate to them as well.

A little about us:

Basically the existence of this book is because we were texting one right and somehow both got the idea at the same exact time to write a story on Wattpad. The next morning we just got to it and that's how this book came into existence. You would think we would have planned it out more but that's the neat thing about us. Is that we both knew what we wanted for this book and didn't need to express it in words. The first chapters do suck and we will have to fix that later on, but it could have turned out a lot worse and we are both glad to be on this journey with you all.

The writing process:

Iridescent: We never talked about this and kinda just went with the flow because we both knew what would be best for our vision. But essentially, I am the one who wrote the storyline and plot for LMTTE and it's sequel while Safire is the main writer and manages accounts, such as our Tiktok and Wattpad pages. Safire: We balance each other in a sense if you would call it that. Iridescent: I can plan entire stories in minutes but my writing is good, not great. Safire: And, for me, I can write pretty well and add flair to most writing pieces but can be inconsistent cause of writer's block and my actual life. So, smush us together and u have a duo with great writing, a good story, and someone to keep me from forgetting this book exists or forgetting I can write while I keep Iri sane. Safire: When writing a chapter Iridescent first looks at the plot notes and see what should happen in each chapter to drive the story forward. She does this to make the ending make sense and to avoid too many plot holes. Iridescent: When I finalize what should happen, me and Saf talk about it and she sometimes give suggestions of what should happen instead if the story seems off. Once we get that out of the way we start writing. We don't prescript the dialogue or do first drafts so we just write what we think is humor. Iridescent: Safire takes a lead in writing and adds the perfect touch of adjectives. When we finish writing we edit and I do a final look through and give Safire the ok to post and write those sweet author notes to y'all. We are still learning since this is our first book and have already improved so much in our writing which you all can see for yourselves. Safire: We appreciate constructive criticism so please feel free to tell us. We may not always reply to comments but know that we read each one. As for updates, we try our best to update each week but it's not always possible due to our busy lives. Just know that if we do update it will be on a Friday so check in each week to see if we posted.

Feel free to ask us any questions about us or the characters, or even about writing and how to get started (even though we're obviously not professionals!). 

Thank you all for reading our book and thanks again for all the love and support. We love u guys <3

Love, Saf and Iri.

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