|10 - Boos and Booze pt. 2|

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Celeste POV

A few hours before...

"No, no, no, no!" I scream annoyed that my makeup is not cooperating with me today and throw the mascara wand.

"Woah," Elle walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. I immediately feel calmer; Elle's presence had a naturally therapeutic feel. "You good?"

"No, I am so not ok. We're leaving in an hour and I am not even close to being ready. And I have to look good tonight. Monica's coming!"

"Oh, right. Are you going to tell her you like her yet?" I look at her and my eyes widen. "No, of course not. I- I don't feel ready."

Elle sighs and sits down on my bed, putting my hand in hers. "Cel, you got this, ok? You and Monica have been talking since the semester started and even sort of went on dates together. It's pretty obvious she likes you too."

"You sure?" I crave the assurance and look at Elle, who smiles.. "Positive." She lets go of my hand and gets up to pick up the curling iron. "Now, let's get you all glammed up."


"Oh my god, she's here. Crap, what do I do!?"

Dash facepalms and sighs, clearly done with me and my shenanigans. Ash, for once, is a little more considerate and hands me a drink. "Here, it'll help with the nerves." I take the drink and chug it all down, giving her a small smile as Dash makes a comment that sounded somewhat like 'looks like someone has experience'. Just then, the door opens and I see the dance team bustling their way in.

My heart drops when I don't see Monica right away.

Did she bail at the last minute?

The door opens again a few seconds later and to say I was shocked would be an understatement. Her costume was absolutely gorgeous, elegance radiating off of her very figure. Her dress accentuated her waist and hips and had a beautifully tailored tail—pun intended, at the bottom. Her hair was styled with creamy pearls placed with precision. She had blue and purple themed eyeshadow with some face paint on too. She looked amazing and I was so busy ogling at her that I didn't even notice her coming towards me until the last second.

"Hey Cel, you-wow. You look.." "Beautiful." We both say and I feel my cheeks heat up. "Thank you," I say, suddenly feeling shy.

"Do you want a drink?" She looks at me through her long eyelashes before replying, "Thought you'd never ask." She winks at me and I melt into a puddle right then and there.

"So, I haven't seen you in a few days," Monica says, and I nod. "Yeah. So, what've you been up to?" I tried my best to not make it obvious that I wanted to know what she was doing and how she lived her life. "Nothing much, actually. The crew and I've practiced a few times, and of course those have been...chaotic, to say the least." She looks back at them, and a certain fondness sweeps across her eyes. Is that what I looked like when I thought about our band? "Other than that, life has been pretty boring in terms."

I hum, and she sips her drink. "Didn't you say you and the crew were gonna enter that dance competition...what was it called?"

"Mysticnetic you mean? Yeah, we all talked and decided to give it a shot. Iris and I were just thinking of a cool concept to do. Then Ace said-"

I can't help the flutter in my heart as I stare at her explaining her story. I was so, so scared to tell this girl that I had feelings for her because it was literally a hit or miss with her feelings towards me. But, until that time came, I just wanted to be close enough to stand by her.

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