|09 - Boos and Booze pt. 1|

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 Iris POV

"Um...oh, what about this one?" Pulling out the pink dress, I place it against my body and twirl as Cleo and Ryan glance at it.

"Ew. No. Please wear anything but that. What would you even go as if that was what you wore?" Moving in front of Cleo's mirror, I sigh and shrug.

"I don't know...maybe Barbie?" Ryan snickers and I roll my eyes before discarding the dress in the growing pile.

Cleo's room was just as I remembered; a pale pink accenting one wall and shoes lying all over the floor.

We had decided to go to her house for the weekend, knowing our dorm rooms couldn't fit the major fashion show we needed to have. After the invitation for the party had been sent out, people had been ranting on and on about what they were gonna wear, and I was yet to decide within a week of the party.

Cleo had a lot of dresses... and I mean a lot. All of the ones I owned I had already worn before, and they didn't exactly fit the theme of the costume party.

The both of them had decided on how they wanted to go, though; Ryan was going as Janet from Mean Girls, and Cleo was going as a chef.

Her outfit consisted of only one apron and a pair of white pants. Essentially, the top half of her was bare minus that one piece of fabric.

I wasn't bold enough to strip like that.

"Look, girl; we have to go shopping for you. Your body type is different from mine, and I know everything I have will not compliment your figure." Groaning, I flop back onto the bed and Ryan gets up, gently caressing my hair in a motherly manner.

"Do we have to?" I whined, and Cleo nodded stubbornly. "Yes. Get up, losers. We're going shopping."


"Hi, we're looking for dresses. Preferably a little bolder colors, and a little flashy." I roll my eyes as the woman nods.

"Of course. We have a collection of dresses to the side over here..." she begins to walk as Cleo lists her (my) needs, and Ryan and I follow like lost ducklings.

The lady takes us to the fitting room as Cleo begins sifting through the racks, tutting and 'ooohing' at the colors and shapes.

"How would you think of..." she pulls out a bright orange dress with a plunging neckline and I grimace. "A little much; I don't wanna go as a traffic cone, you know?" Frowning, she nods and puts it back up before looking through more. "Green?" I think for a moment. "No, not really."

We do this for a few more minutes as Ryan gossips to me, explaining what's happening with him and Adrien—the hot bartender at the Mariposa.

"God, imagine this on you! Please please please try this on for the lord almighty's sake or I will just DIE." Cleo swoons over a dress hidden behind her form, and I roll my eyes. As soon as she turns around with the hanger in her hands, though, my eyes catch the light color of the silk and the soft lines of the draping.

It was a light, almost pure white color, comparable with the clouds themselves. The bottom of it reached mid-thigh, and the front neckline dipped down enough to show a peek.

"Oh, wow. That does look...gorgeous. But I don't think it would look good on me-" Before I could say another word, the dress was shoved into my hands and I was pushed into a fitting room. The door slammed shut behind me and I flinched as Cleo growled a no.

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