|18 - Tons of Turkey (1)|

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**In honor of Thanksgiving coming up on us!** 


The chilly air burned my already red nose, and I pulled my jacket tighter around me with a shiver. Truth be told, though the weather was predictable and stayed the same on a day-to-day basis, autumn and winter were not my cups of tea. I was utterly convinced that they were the devil's seasons. Who even likes the cold weather, anyway?

As soon as I make it back into the dorm building, I instantly sigh and bask in the warmth. Although most students had gone home for thanksgiving break, the few that stayed behind lingered in the halls, their laughs and quiet chatter echoing through the building. Iris had surprisingly stayed behind as well. 'I need to finish up work; I don't want to fall behind again,' she had said, and I smiled at the memory. I admired her perseverance and dedication more than I admitted. Not just to her schoolwork, but even her hobbies, or anything she put her mind to.

Though, I was bitter that it meant we had less time to hang out. She was juggling the dance competition at the end of the year in May and all of her work, and I was stuck watching her.

My phone buzzes and it startles me out of my thoughts.

While I warm up I pull out my phone and see that my dad hasn't returned my missed calls which is something I can't say I am surprised by. However, my face lights up when I see a voicemail from my mom.

Maybe she can come for Thanksgiving after all.

I eagerly clicked the message and put it on speaker, my heart thundering with anticipation.

"Hello, Ashlyn. First off, happy Thanksgiving in advance, honey. I know how much you love the holiday- or more specifically, the food."

I could hear her smile in the words, even though her monotone voice she had on. She must've recorded this at work.

I can't help the small chuckle that slips out.

"I won't be able to make it sadly, although I did try my hardest. Things have been especially hectic here in Milan and I got held up last minute. Take care of yourself and remember that I love you so much, Ash. I'll send some delicacies I've tried from here; share them with your friends, and send me pictures. Mwah."

The message cuts off with a beep, and the ever-present sense of loneliness seems to hang heavier over my head.

I wasn't surprised, though I had let myself get hopeful. It was enough to know that she cared, and her work was more important than any holiday. It was fine.

With a grim mood, I head to the elevator, entering and clicking the button for my floor. Just as the doors begin to close, a familiar, accessorized hand slips in between, stopping the automatic movement.


The voice sounds frantic and I immediately recognize it. A smile graces my face without my permission. That has been happening too much lately.

"Hey, Angel," I say smugly and grin at Iris catching her breath.

When Iris can finally say a coherent sentence, she speaks up.

"I really didn't want to wait for the elevator," she says sheepishly.

"Only you would be that concerned for an elevator."

The elevator pings and we reach our floor. As we walk down the hall, Iris absentmindedly slips her arm into mine, and I keep my eyes forward. I spotted the AirPod in her ear, so I knew that she couldn't hear me when I silently cursed the warmth blooming in my chest at the simple act. Friends held hands all the time, especially someone like Iris. It wasn't a big deal.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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