"Armin. Hey Armin!" Conny stood over him as you all looked at Armin, laying on the ground. "Y/N. Where is your squad?" Connie looked to you as Armin sat up, still in shock. "They're..." You stopped and looked over at Armin. "What the hell happened?" Connie touched Armin and pulled his hand back in disgust.
You jumped as Armin began screaming at the top of his lungs. "You're so useless! Just die already!" Armin gripped the sides of his head, grasping onto his blonde hair. "Calm down Armin! Where are the others?" Armin immediately stopped screaming and he looked to you.
"Give it a rest Connie, only him and Y/N survived." Ymir stood at the top of the roof, looking out. "We don't have any more time to waste on him." You kept your mouth shut as Connie looked between you and Armin. "It sucks that this underachiever made it out alive. Eren and the others worked hard for nothing."
You balled up your first, approaching Ymir as she bad-mouthed Armin. "You bitch..." You gritted your teeth and got closer to her. Krista, the blonde haired girl who was always with Ymir jumped out and raised her arms.
"Stop it! "We're all shaken up here!" Ymir wrapped her arm around the girl and got close to her face. You turned back to Armin and Connie. Armin was still holding onto his head as he sat on the rooftop. "Can you stand, Armin?" You held out your hand and he took it, slowly getting to his feet.
"I'll rendezvous with the rearguard." Armin sounded hurt as he jumped off the rooftop and zipped own the street. You quickly followed him and looked back at Conny to reassure him.
Armin didn't say a word as you two made it down the streets. He was looking down the entire time, at all the blood and carnage. Armin wasn't paying attention and you could tell. "Armin! Watch out!" Armin crashed into a building, which sent him falling down onto the street.
You quickly changed direction and dropped down next to Armin. "Are you okay?" You looked to Armin, but the voice of another caught your attention. You looked over to a girl kneeling over a guy laying on the ground. Armin got up and slowly walked over to the girl.
You followed him, soon seeing that the girl was trying to resuscitate him. "Hanna... What are you doing?" Armin looked on at the girl as she continued to do chest compressions. "Guys! Help! Franz isn't breathing!" She looked up at you two, tears streaming down her face.
You stayed silent as you watched her give her best efforts to bring him back. "It's dangerous down here." Armin's soft voice tried to calm her down as she continued to try and resuscitate Franz. "I can't just leave Franz like this!" There was a knot in your chest as you continued to watch.
Once again you felt pathetic and useless. Watching as you couldn't do anything to bring back someone. "Please... stop this." You looked over to see tears running down Armin's face as he brought his hand to his head. "I can't take this anymore."

I Fell For You (Jean x Reader)
AzioneYou decided at a young age that you wanted to join the survey corps. Little did you know, you'd meet someone in your training corps who would become a huge part of your life. Whether they got on your nerves at first, or even hated them.