Anti-Marleyan Volunteers

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You tightened the straps around your thigh as everyone hustled around you. You stood up and looked your uniform as you threw your cape over your shoulders. "Everyone get ready!" Jean shouted as he looked around at the shoulders. The sun had already set and there was a light breeze.

You looked around at the area near the ocean. There were numerous large, rocky hills that bordered the water. "Eren's getting in position. The Marley ship is approaching." Hange grabbed onto your shoulder as they walked by. You nodded your head and quickly got into position.

Your couched behind a rock with Sasha and Connie by your side. You peered over to see the long, sturdy ship cutting through the water. You looked over to Connie and Sasha, who were focused on the ship as well. It began approaching the narrow pathway where Eren was positioned.

He was already in titan form, but he hid himself below the water as the ship slowly moved on top of him. As soon as the ship was in position, Eren wrapped his arms around the ship and stood up. He stomped over to the large boulders and threw down the ship.

You stood up and looked at the ship as Hange came rushing over. "Hello friends from Marley! Welcome to Paradis Island!" Hange waved their arms at the ship. "I'm Hange, here to greet our guests who've come so far across the sea!" Hange had a large smile on their face as they pointed behind them.

"We're already friends with this guest that arrived before you!" You looked over at the man that was being held back by Levi. He was tall with blond hair and from what you had heard, his name was Niccolo. Hange walked over to Niccolo, wrapping their arms around him as he shook.

"Captain! Forget about me and shoot these devils!" Niccolo shouted at the ship. You watched as a man from the ship brought up his gun. You stayed low as you watched the soldiers on the ship confront Levi and Hange. "Don't be rude to us! Come on, can't you see that titan behind you?" Hange whined and the men turned to look at Eren.

"Say hello to this!" The man on the ship ran back over to Hange, his hand on the trigger of his gun. Next to you, Sasha whipped out her gun and positioned it on the rock. You gasped as the sound of a gun went off, echoing in the air. The man didn't get to shoot. Someone else that was aboard the ship held the gun up to where the man once was.

"Jesus Christ." You muttered as you the people on the ship began to turn their guns on each other. "Hange, I'd be happy to accept your invitation." The person removed their helmet to reveal themselves. They had short blonde hair with bangs and appeared to be a woman.

"Let's have tea." The girl spread her arms as Hange and Levi stood there in shock.

"What the fuck is that woman doing? She just turned on her own people." You leaned against the rock and stared at the ship. "Who knows? We can't trust her." Jean crossed his arms over his chest.

"Her willingness to share information is unbelievably lucky for us." Armin said as Mikasa pulled on Sasha to wake up. "We are lucky. If Marley comes in force, we'll be screwed." You turned around to see Eren crouched behind you.

"We've got to go down there." Eren stood up, looking down at the tents that littered the ground. You all began to stand up one-by-one and made your way towards the tent. You remained silent as you looked around and spotted the tent that Hange was in with one of the Marleyans.

Eren was the first one to enter the tent and you all followed behind him. You spotted the man sitting next to Hange. He was tall and bald, with a dark completion. "Everyone, this is Onyankopon. An Anti-Marleyan volunteer with Yelena." Hange pointed to the man and he gave you all a soft smile.

"So Yelena was the woman that shot that dude?" You asked as everyone positioned themselves around the table. Hange shook their head. You looked down at the table to see a large piece of paper with a drawn out map of the docks in Marley. You and Jean leaned in to get a better look at them.

"By the way, why do you have dark skin, Onyankopon?" Sasha blurted out and you immediately hit her on her arm. "You don't ask that, stupid." You rolled her eyes and she rubbed her arm. "Because our creator thought, 'It's more interesting with a mix of people.' You Subjects of Ymir are the same. We exist because we were wanted." Onyankopon kept the same warm smile on his face as he looked at you all.

"Who created us?" Armin asked. "The one who gave the Founder Ymir power. God. That's what some people believe. Aren't we free to think what we want?"

"That guy, Niccolo is apparently a chef." You said as you held onto Jean's arm. You walked behind Connie and Sasha down the dock area. "A chef?! Food?!" Sasha looked back at you, her mouth salivating. You giggled and gripped onto Jean's arm tighter. "That's the only thing you care about these days." You shook your head as Sasha quickened her speed towards the small stand that sat at the dock.

Mikasa and Armin were already there by the time you guys arrived. You looked at the table to see various plates of food. All of it looked unfamiliar, but it smelled amazing. "What the hell is this food? Is it even edible?" Jean scoffed as he looked at the plates. "Jean. Don't be rude." You nudged him in the side as you leaned in to smell the food.

"You've never had seafood? Niccolo's a master of Marleyan cooking." Yelena smiled as she looked over the food. "Jerks. If you don't like it don't eat. Eldians like you don't-" You heard Niccolo muttering to himself, but you became distracted as Sasha grabbed onto one of the creatures on the table and took a huge bite.

She leaned back, tearing the meat out of the creature. She screamed out as she grabbed onto more food and began shoving it into her mouth. "So good!" She tore through the meat using both of her hands. "Sasha! That's no fair!" You tried to pull her arm away, wanting a bite of the food. "Niccolo! You're a food genius!" Sasha took a break from shoving food in her mouth.

There were tears in her eyes as she praised the chef. "S-stop eating like a pig!" Niccolo turned back to look at her. you grabbed a piece of food off the table. It was a large red creature, like the one Sasha was eating. You bent it, breaking the shell on it's back and gave the other half to Jean.

"I've never had anything like this!" Sasha cried as she continued to eat the food. You shoved the food into your mouth, tearing the meat from the shell. Your body melted as the warm flavors traveled down your throat. "There's plenty, so take your time." Niccolo turned back around to continue cooking.

"This is good." You held up the food as you took another bite. Jean nodded his head as his mouth was full of food. "Seems like Sasha found a man fit for her." Jean looked to Niccolo and you giggled. "They'd be a perfect match."

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