The Beast Titan

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You stroked the mane of your horse as you sat there waiting. The mission to retake the wall. Maybe your biggest mission yet. You could feel the sweat drip from your forehead as the sun beamed down on you. "Advance!" You heard Erwin yell and the horses took off.

All around you there was yelling as you rode alongside the wall. Right beside you were Jean and Sasha. You looked to them, and they both gave you a small nod.

You had ridden for hours before the sun had finally fallen behind the trees. Instead of riding the horses, everyone got off and walked them with their leads. It was hard to see in the dark and only a few people had the lanterns. You looked around at the trees as you gripped onto your horse's lead tightly.

"Titan on the left! Everyone halt and light up the area!" Somebody shouted in front of you and you immediately stopped. Everyone shone their lights on the titan. He was sitting upright against a large rock. He was staying still, as if he was asleep. "He must be one of the ones that don't move at night. Let him be." Hange said as they took their light off the titan. You continued forward, walking through the dark woods.

Just in time for when the sun came up, the wall came in sight. The horses galloped fast as you advanced towards the wall. "We have to close two gates! The inner and the outer!" Erwin shouted from the front. You grabbed onto your blades, pulling them out as you quickly leapt off your horse, along with the other scouts.

You shot towards the wall, flying over it to land on top of the stone. You ran along the wall, your blades out and your hood over your head. You looked below at the district to see it in ruins. You slowly came to a stop as you noticed Armin in front of you, his arm extended to the sky.

You stood on the wall as you watched the bolts of lightning appear near the outer gate. You watched as Eren's titan formed appear. It only took a split second for his titan to harden, leaving only a shell. You didn't let your guard down, as you still held on tightly to your blades and looked around the area.

"Check the walls! Inside the walls!" You heard shouting as everyone gathered around Armin. You quickly went over to him and the crowd. "Check everywhere, especially above the gate! Commence the search!"

"Roger!" You all shouted and you quickly flew down the wall. You used your ODM gear to hang off the side. You tapped your blades against the wall, listening closely for any change in sound. You heard the sound of a smoke signal go off and you turned to see a guy shouting as he held the gun in the air.

"There's a cavity here!" He yelled over to Armin. You watched in horror as a blade shot out from the wall, stabbing the guy through the chest. His body flew down towards the ground and a person came climbing out of the wall.

"Reiner." You said to yourself as you watched the muscular blonde haired boy show his face. You looked up at a moving figure to see Levi spiraling down towards Reiner. You quickly shot back up the wall and watched as Levi sent his blade into Reiner's neck. Reiner's body crashed to the ground as Levi hopped back up to the wall.

"Y/N!" You heard your name being called as another storm of lightning appeared, replacing Reiner's body with the armored titan. "Locate his allies!" Erwin shouted as there was a series of light behind him. Jean came running up to you, his eyes wide as you both turned to look behind Erwin.

A large titan had appeared, covered in fur and with long arms. "What the hell?" You muttered as you looked around to see the other titans that had appeared. The large titan picked up a rock, kicking up it's foot as he sent it hurtling towards the wall. "Bolder incoming!"

Erwin yelled as the boulder hit the wall. You looked below to see the entrance plugged up. You grabbed onto Jean's arm as you looked at the strange titan. "Humanity or Titan?! Which side will live? Which side will perish?" Erwin raised his blade as everyone looked at The Beast Titan.

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