The Scout Regiment

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"We have to go gear our ODM gear checked." Connie peeked his head into the room and everyone turned. "Huh?" You were half asleep as you picked your head up. "Apparently the two titans the scouts had captured were killed last night." Connie shrugged his shoulders and left the room.

"Shit. I wonder who did it." You looked to Sasha as you two stood up from the table. You all grabbed your gear that was lying around, picking it up in your arms as you followed Connie down the hallway. "How are they going to know who did it by our gear?" You looked to Jean, but he just shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no clue. Just stop asking questions." He sped up, getting in front of you and caught up to Connie. "Fucking horseface gets on my last nerves." You shook your head and Sasha burst out laughing. "If he heard you now, you'd never hear the end of it."

You all entered the small room, where a two Survey Corps members stood in the front. You at the tables, placing your gear down on the surfaces. You saw Christa be approached by the scout members. They were writing down on a piece of paper as they looked at her gear. You looked around the room at the faces of your fellow cadets.

Who in the world would have killed them? You scanned their faces to see if anyone was nervous, but no. No one looked nervous or even suspicious, or maybe they were just good at hiding it. "Next!" The man yelled and made his way over to you. "Y/N L/N."

The man looked around at you gear, staying silent and then walked away. You knew you were innocent, but yet you couldn't help but feel anxious as he stood before you.

It was silent as the flames light up your face. Your eyes burned from the heat and ashes, but you couldn't look away from the burning wood and bones. You didn't know which bones were Marco's, Thomas' or Mina's. You could hear Connie weeping beside you.

You looked over to see him with his knees on the ground and his head on his hands. You looked over to Jean, who was also on the ground, staring at his hand. He's probably thinking the same thing as me. "Hey guys." Everyone looked up at Jean as he stood up from the ground and broke the silence.

"Have you decided which regiment you're going to join? I have." Jean's eyes were filled with sorrow, yet there was determination in there. "I'm going to join the scouts!" Jean clutched onto his hand, the one he was staring at before. tears streamed down his face and everyone watched.

The one thing you could do was place your hand on his back as he continued to weep. You had already made up your mind even before the attack on Trost.

The day had come. "Face the platform!" You looked behind you as you walked towards the platform with the other cadets. You could see Jean talking to Connie, Armin and the others.

What were the chances he was going to chicken out and join the Military Police? You all got into line as the sun lowered behind the buildings. The platform was lit up by several torches, and a single man stood before the crowd. "I am Commander Erwin Smith of the Scout Regiment."

Erwin Smith was tall with blonde hair, his eyebrows could be seen from a mile away. Your eyes laid on the bolo tie that was hanging from his neck. It was emerald and shiny. "To put this bluntly, this is my invitation for you to join the scouts. After this recent attack, a lot of you have seen the horror and the limitations to your abilities."

Erwin continued to talk about Eren and the victory we recently had in Trost and about learning the truth about titans. "We believe that the secret lies in the basement of his home." Everyone gasps and began to look around. "Why the hell would it be in his basement?" You muttered under your breath.

"If we reach this basement, we may be able to obtain information." The murmuring amongst the crowd continued. A basement. That's what held the secrets to the titans.

"I other words, our goal stays the same. We have no choice by to depart form Calaneth District. During these past 4 years, over 60% of the Scouts died. In one month there will be an outside mission, which your class will take part in. Whoever prevails will become a high skilled soldier."

Erwin looked at the faces before him. You remained looking forward as others began to whisper to themselves. "Whoever wishes to put their life on the line, remain here. Ask yourself, if you can give your heart for the sake of humankind!" His voice echoed through the open area.

You heard people gasp around you and you looked to your fellow cadets. "Those who wish to join another regiment may leave." You stood in place as people began to walk away from the crowd. Your feet remained planted into the ground. You looked around to see Jean, Connie, Sasha and all the others still standing.

People brushed past you, leaving only a select few standing before Erwin. "If you cadets were told to die, would you?" Erwin looked at the few remaining. "We don't wish to die, sir!" You heard from someone in the group. "I see. You each have an outstanding look about you. All of you are hereby accepted as new member of the Scout regiment!"

"Give your hearts!" Erwin saluted, and you brought your fist to your heart. "Yes, sir!" You all yelled in unison as you looked up at the commander.

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