Queen Historia

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You scrambled onto the horse as everyone got ready to follow the path of Reiss' titan. You guys advanced through the plans right alongside the torn up earth.

you felt your skin crawl as you spotted the titan up ahead. It dragged itself on the ground. It's body withered as it scrapped it's face across the dirt. It wasn't long until several torches came into view. "Commander Erwin!" You exclaimed as you spotted the man with blond hair making his way with several scouts behind him.

"I've got a slew of reports. But what is that titan." Erwin stopped in front of Levi as the titan continued crawling behind him. :It's Rod Reiss. I think we need your call on this." Levi said as the Commander's mouth dropped open.

"It's most likely heading towards Orvud District. We'll move there." Erwin looked to you and the others as he turned back around. You began racing back alongside the titan, your goal to reach the walls.

You kept looking over at the large titan. It's body looked like it was made of muscle and lava. The earth shook each time his hand came crashing to the ground. You looked in front of you to see Jean and Mikasa riding in front of you.

It was only a matter of time before you made it to Orvud.

You all stood around as Levi faced Historia. "The coup d'état was successful, but the people won't follow a regiment sitting at the top." Historia's eyes were wide as she listened to Levi.

"Does he mean Historia will be the queen?" You leaned in, whispering to Connie. He nodded his head and slowly raised his hand. "Um Captain. By leaving her father, she finally broke free from that burden-" "If you have something to say, say it." Levi stared at Connie as he hesitated.

"In other words, Historia broke free from the Reiss family and has finally found herself. And now you're forcing her into another role?" Jean spoke up and Levi turned around. "Isn't that not fair-" "Alright. My next duty is to be Queen, right?" Jean stopped as Historia began to speak.

"Whether or not it's forced on me is up to me to decide." Historia looked around at all of you, before heading into the large building behind the group.

Hange, Erwin and their squads were already waiting for you guys in the building. You walked into a large room to see a map of the walls spread out on a large table. You stood in line with the others as you stood in front of Erwin.

"When you're Queen. you can punch that runt in the face." You overheard Mikasa and let out a small chuckle.

"Rod Reiss should reach Orvud by dawn. We'll have the citizens remain in Orvud District just as they are." Erwin looked to everyone in the room as they looked at him as though he was crazy. "Ae you insane!" A Garrison member looked to Erwin and Hange approached him.

"The titan should be drawn to the people and try and destroy the wall. It should reach Mitras." Hange looked to the officer and Erwin turned to him. "If we are to stop him, he must be outside the walls of Orvud. We must use the citizens as bait."

The man furrowed his eyebrows as he sweated. "It seems we have no choice. The scout regiment will throw everything we have at it." The room was silent as everyone looked at Commander Erwin. "Let's go."

You stood on top of the wall in front of the cannons. The sun had already risen and the titan was close to the wall. There was something about the titan that made your skin crawl. Seeing the exposed muscle and the strange way it was moving. "relax, Y/N." You turned to see Jean walking towards you, his hands on his hips.

"I am relaxed. Worry about yourself, horseface." You smirked as he grabbed onto your shoulder and pressed his lips against your ear. "I saw you read the letter. You okay?" You nodded your head and looked up at him. "I'm sorry. Again. Stay safe." Jean patted your head and he began to walk away.

He suddenly stopped, before dashing back towards you, almost tripping into you. He cupped both sides of your face, pulling you towards him. "Please, stay safe." Jean closed his eyes as he pressed his lips against yours. You could feel yourself melt into his hands as his soft lips moved with yours.

He quickly pulled away, a large grin on his face. "I'll see you later." He waved and ran off again, leaving you with blushing cheeks. "Get ready to fire!" You heard someone shot beside you as cannons began to go off. You watched as they hit the titan, but didn't slow him down at all.

Beside you, Hange and Moblit were wrapping up barrels of gunpowder in nets. Erwin walked over to you, Jean, Connie and Sasha, "You all, take care of that side." Erwin pointed over to the wall and you all began to run. "Yes sir!" You all shouted as you made your way over to the other side of the wall.

The titan was already extremely close. The steam began to rise, burning your skin as you stood above it. "Ouch!" You screamed out as you tried to shield your face. "The target is right below us, shoot!" An officer commanded and there was more gunfire.

The titan began to pull itself up, using the wall as support. You felt your stomach drop as you saw it's exposed organs and face that was torn off from dragging itself. "Y/N!" Connie called out as he and Jean were dumping themselves with water. Sasha passed you a bucket and dipped it in the barrel. You poured the cold water on you, soaking your clothing. You could feel Jean's eyes on you, but you ignored him.

You looked up in the sky to see the red smoke signal appear and you quickly moved to the barrel filled with gunpowder, releasing it and sending it towards the titan's hand. The titan collapsed onto the wall and Eren in titan form, appeared through the smoke, carrying the net of barrels over his shoulder.

He ran at full speed, swinging the net and releasing it, sending it into the titan's mouth. There was a large explosion. You brought your hand to your eyes as the smoke and fire appeared. Chunks of the titan went flying over the district. "That's our queue!" You yelled as you jumped off the wall, heading straight for the chunks of muscle.

You pulled your blades out, slicing every piece of muscle you could see. You whipped through the sky, chopping them not pieces. You looked around, trying to see where the nape was. You looked up to see a flash of blonde hair dart past you, towards a large chunk of titan.

It was over. Another mission was a success.

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