"We did it!" You heard shouting around you as you collapsed onto the rooftop. Your eyes were shaky as you looked at Reiner's body peel away from the titan. You felt like your were going to throw up from the sight. You held onto your stomach as tears trailed down your face.
"We did it... You were such a pain in the ass for us. Serves you right, scumbag!" Jean shouted at Reiner's body, a frightening smile on his face. You continued to keep your head down as you heard Connie and Sasha sniffling next to you. "What the hell are you crying for?! Come on! This isn't over yet!"
Jean grabbed onto Sasha and Connie, getting in their faces. When he noticed you, he slowly lowered them back onto the roof and looked over at you. "Y/N..." Jean whispered as he let go of your comrades and walked over to you. He placed his hand on your head as you silently cried.
"Don't cry." He said in a low voice as messed around with your hair. You wiped away your tears and stood up. "I'm fine." You looked to him, about to wrap your arms around your neck, but you were interrupted by an ear-splitting roar. You gasped as you looked over at Reiner's titan, who sat upright as it yelled out.
It collapsed down once again and you turned away from Jean. "Shit." You looked over at the wall as you fumbled with your gear. "We'll have to blow his body to bits!" Hange began shouting orders as everyone scrambled to regroup. "We need to get away from here! Bertholdt is coming!"
Armin began yelling and you followed his finger as he pointed in the sky. You could see a small object flying through the air, down into the District. You grabbed onto Sasha's cloak and hoisted her up and you and the others leapt off the roofs once more to try and get away from Reiner.
Eren's titan ran alongside you guys as you rushed through the buildings. "Reiner!" You looked behind you as you heard a voice calling out to him. Bertholdt. You all quickly came to a stop, landing on the rooftops. You turned to look at Reiner's titan to see Bertholdt standing beside Reiner's body. "In any case, our mission objective just came falling into our laps." Hange stood on the shoulder of Eren as everyone stared at Bertholdt.
"Our plan is as follows: Levi squad protects Eren under Armin's command! All others work together to take down the two targets!" Hange shouted as they looked over at Armin. "Roger!" Hange's squad moved off of the rooftops and towards Bertholdt, who was getting closer.
You stood beside Eren as you watched Armin chase after Hange. You watched as Armin and Bertholdt landed across from each other. "If I agree to talk, would you all agree to die?!" Bertholdt's words caught your attention. "We want Eren and the demise of humanity in the walls! It's all been decided already!"
You frowned as Bertholdt spoke. Just what was their motive. "Who decided any of that?!" Armin shouted back and waited for a response. "I did! Your lives are coming to an end right here!" Bertholdt spread his arms and looked down at you and the others. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to hear Annie's screams any longer!" Bertholdt froze at the mention of Annie.
Bertholdt leapt down from the side of the tower and greeted Armin on the roof. You quickly grabbed a hold of your blades and stepped forwards. You jumped onto Eren's shoulder to get a better view. Jean was on the other one, talking into his ear as Eren took a step forward.
You saw Mikasa go flying past you out of the corner of your eye, heading towards Bertholdt. She brought down her blade as she got close. Armin quickly hopped out of the way as Mikasa confronted Bertholdt. "Jean-" "Just wait Y/N." Jean said through his teeth as he watched the two of them fight.
Bertholdt ran away from Mikasa and Armin, retreating back towards the wall. It wasn't long until you could see the mushroom of light that spread quickly across the land. You closed your eyes, but felt a shadow go over you and the feeling of being enclosed. You opened your eye cautiously to see Eren's hand cupped around you, protecting you from the blast.

I Fell For You (Jean x Reader)
ActionYou decided at a young age that you wanted to join the survey corps. Little did you know, you'd meet someone in your training corps who would become a huge part of your life. Whether they got on your nerves at first, or even hated them.