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"We're going to see Eren?" You threw your jacket on as the other began to leave the room. "Yeah... it's about the Female Titan." Armin hurried you along as you guys followed Erwin out into the hallways. The Survey Corps headquarters had become your new home the past couple of months, but it was still big and you didn't know your way around well.

The Commander led you and the other rookies down the hallway and stopped at a wooden door. He opened it and stepped into the room. "Sorry I'm late." You all filed into the room, standing next to each other, your shoulders touching. You noticed Eren sitting with the Captain. You have heard a lot about him, but have never seen him in action.

"Guys!" Eren looked shocked to see everyone. "We believe we've found out who the Female Titan is. We will capture her this time." Erwin motioned for everyone to sit down at the large table. You took your spot next to Jean and across from Eren. "We do it in two days, while passing through Stohess District on our way to the Capital."

There was a large map laid out in the center of the table. Your eyes scanned it as Commander Erwin spoke. "The government will take custody of Eren and we'll have difficulty investigating. We'll bet everything on this operation. We will use Eren as bait to lure the target underground. She will be unable to use her titan form. It'll be up to you Eren."

You paid attention as the Commander traced his finger along the map. "Are we certain the target will be in Stohess?" You looked up as Eren spoke. "Yes, she's a member of the Military Police. It was Armin who identified her. We also believe she killed the two titans we had caught alive... and that she was in the 104th Cadet Corps with you."

The room was silent and you all looked at each other. "The name of the girl we believe to be the Female Titan... Is Annie Leonhart." Eren's eyes grew wide at the mention of Annie. "It can't be." Eren shook his head frantically as he looked around at everyone. You all nodded your heads, remaining silent.

Once the meeting had come to an end, you all shuffled out of the room. "Good luck Eren. I don't know if I'll see you before then." You patted his shoulder and gave him a comforting smile as you passed by him. "Thanks, Y/N." He returned the smile and watched you walk away.

You could see Jean walking ahead of you, so you quickened your pace to catch up to him. "You nervy?" You playfully punched him, earning a glare from him. "No, you're the one that's probably nervy."

You shook your head as you and Jean entered the main outdoor area, where a lot of scouts were wandering around. He came to a stop near the stone wall and turned to you. "You taking a liking to the suicidal maniac?" Jean raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms over his chest.

"No. I'm simply being friendly. You can't talk about crushes either, you practically drool over Mikasa." You gave him a wink and his mouth fell open. "N-No I don't." Jean fumbled over his words as he looked around the area. "Yeah right. I'll see you later, horseface." You turned around, but he grabbed onto your hand.

His hand was warm and a bit sweaty. "Y/N. Do you think about Marco still?" You turned to see Jean's eyes fill with pain. The same face from the day he delivered the news to you. "Of course I do. Every day." You stared down at your hand, which Jean was still holding onto. When he looked down, he quickly released your hand.

"I just. He should be in the Military Police and now we find out Annie is against us somehow, it's just-" "I know it's tough right now, but we can't get distracted, right? You can always talk to me. Marco saw something in you. I don't know what the hell it was, but Marco liked you. And he was right, you are a good leader. Horseface, I would follow you into battle any day."

Jean's pain vanished from his face and was replaced by a soft smile. "Thanks, Y/N. And quit calling me horseface." You shook your head and turned away. "Never. It suits you."

I Fell For You (Jean x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now