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"DADDY I WANT THIS PWEASE!!" Sungjin squeaked while pointing at the expensive toys.

"No baby.You already have toys at home right? And this one looks just the same like you had" She pouted.

"Aww what's with the pouty face~ babe let's buy that for baby Sungjin.It's not that much hm?" Yujin said pampering the already spoiled kid as Sungchan sighed.

"I said no.Look at how spoiled she is!!" Sungchan said pulling them out from the mall.

"NO! I WANT IT MOMMY! BUY IT FOR ME!" Sungjin stomped her feet throwing tantrums in the center of the mall catching everyone's attention.

"Shout out all you want because I'm not buying anything for you" Sungchan said sternly with his hands on his waist.

"BUY THE TOYS!!" she cried grabbing Sungchan's pants."Sungchan let's just buy it this time hm?" Yujin said trying to pamper the little girl again.

"I said no! Now stop begging.We are going home" Sungchan said and took the kid into his arms."BUY ME THE TOY!!" she yelled out until they went into a car.

"You are grounded.We spoiled you too much.I will take all your toys and Doyoung will not take care of you anymore" Sungchan started the engine and drove off back home.

"Babe you shouldn't go that far" Yujin said trying to calm her husband down."No I should do this or she'll ended up taking advantages on us" Sungchan sighed frustratedly.

When they arrived home, Sungjin stomped to her room."Yeah stomp harder!! Until those tiles break!!" Sungchan yelled out in sarcasm.

"Hey hey what happened?" Mark asked while looking at his brother in law and his sister.

"She's too much.I have to start teaching her manners again" Sungchan sighed.

"Yeah sometimes kids always think that they can have everything.So we have to show them the truth" Jeno said joining the conversation.

"But she's just a kid!!" Yujin spoke up."That's why we have to teach her what's right and wrong from now on" Sungchan explained but she still didn't get it.

"But we have to let her be free.She can have what she wants or what she wants to do!! We can't control her like what I experienced!! I don't want my baby to feel that!!" Yujin argued and Sungchan furrowed his eyebrows.

"I am not controlling her like what you've gone!! I am just teaching her!!" Sungchan stood up going to their share room.

"Yujin, Sungchan is correct" Mark said and she scoffed."Yeah.Everything is on me!! Yeah!! Great!!" she clapped her hands and stormed to her room.

"They just need to raise Sungjin from the start again but it looks like it needs to start from the parents first" Jeno said.

"DOYOUNG!! WHERE'S MY CHOCOLATE?!" Sungjin yelled out and Doyoung ran to her room when Sungchan stopped him.

"No hyung.You don't have to take care of her anymore.Go have holidays or anything.Just ignore Sungjin.I wanna teach her a lesson" Sungchan said and Doyoung furrowed his eyebrows.

"She is spoiled hyung.Look what she did to you" he pointed out and Doyoung nodded."Sorry hyung for her attitude.I'll teach her again" Sungchan massaged his head.

"It's okay.Since you told me to go for a holiday, book me a flight? I wanna go to my friends in China!!" Sungchan chuckled.

"Sure hyung.I'll give it to you tonight" Doyoung threw his fist in the air in excitement when he got an idea."Yah I don't want to go alone.Can I bring Jaehyun too?"


"Where is my chocolate?!" Sungjin yelled at the maid and they panicked when Sungchan walked in.

"It's okay aunties.Ignore her" he said and turned towards his daughter."You want chocolate? Go find it yourself" she glared at Sungchan and stomped to Yujin.

"MOMMY!! LOOK AT DADDY!!" she whined and Yujin looked at Sungchan with annoyed expression.

"What? Whining at your mommy? She's just the same as you" Sungchan passed them coldly making Yujin scoffed.

"Yeah everything is MY fault!!" Yujin yelled and Sungchan stopped his track."Then was it MY fault?! You pampered her too much now look what happened to her!!" He yelled and Yujin walked forwards.

"WAIT YOU'RE TELLING IT WAS JUST ME?! You're just the same!!" Yujin yelled out."SAME?! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" she scoffed again.

"You controlled her so much and now she's rebelling against us!!" Sungchan looked at her unbelievably.


"Look Yujin.We pampered her so much! She doesn't have manners! She is taking advantages towards us! I don't want her to step on our heads when she grow up!!" Sungchan cleared things up.

"URGH!!!" she yelled and stormed out from the scene straight to her room."D-Daddy" Sungjin called."Shh I don't want to hear anything" he walked out from the house.

"Aigoo pity you little girl to see that" Haechan hugged the little girl who was crying out.

"But your Daddy is right.So start from now on, be grateful with everything you had" Haechan said with a soft smile.



Sungchan was having his breakfast with his family when Yujin and Sungjin joined."I'll go to work first" Sungchan stopped eating and took his leave.

"Aigoo he didn't even finish his food" Han sighed as Yujin sat down beside Sungjin."Baby do you want me to feed you?" Yujin asked her daughter and she shook her head.

"Ye--It's okay Mommy.I can feed myself" she smiled widely and started to eat.Yujin furrowed her eyebrows at the sudden change of her behaviour.

She would always asks her mother to feed her everytime.But this time, she rejected it.Haechan smiled proudly silently.

"Yujin honey we have a dinner party tonight.Would you join us? Sungchan and Sungjinnie too" Byul asked and Yujin bit her lips.

"S-Sure.I'll tell Sungchan later"


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