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"Can I meet Mr Lee Taeyong?" Jaehyun asked and the door of the mansion opened.

He wowed and bumped into someone."Omg I'm sorry!!!" He looked up and it was Yujin.

"Oh Mr!! I'm sorry!! What are you doing here?" She helped him up."Y-You live here?!" Yujin nodded.

"Ah Jaehyun!! Welcome to our family!! I see you met my sis already" Taeyong butted in.

"Yujin he'll be your bodyguard" she widened her eyes."Oh really?!" Taeyong nodded.

"Okay you can start your work now" Taeyong said and walked away.

"Uh what do I have to do?" Jaehyun asked."We need to bring Young Mistress to Chittaphon Boutique" Jaehyun nodded and prepared the car.

Soon they arrived at the boutique."My lady" Ten greeted and Yujin laughed.

"Stop it Ten.Dad told me to take a dress here" Ten snapped his fingers and Johnny came out with a dress.

"Is it good? Or you want me to add more glitters?" Yujin scanned the dress."Nope.It's good.Nice job!!" Ten flipped his invisible hair dramatically.

"Thanks dear" Yujin chuckled and changed into the dress."Am I looking good?" She asked and the guys in the boutique have their jaws dropped to the floor.

"You look marvelous Young Mistress!!" Doyoung cheered."Thank you!!" She giggled and went into the car.

"We have to go to a dinner party Young Mistress.Your parents are already there" Yujin nodded and went to the helipad which is on top of the boutique.

"Hold my hand Young Mistress" Jaeyun said and she took his hand holding it tightly while getting into the helicopter.

"To Miami" Doyoung said and the pilot nodded.After hours, they arrived at the restaurant."Mom!! Dad!!" Han and Byul turned to their daughter greeting her with hugs.

"My baby!!" Yujin giggled."What's the occasion Mom?" Yujin asked.Han smiled."Let's have a seat" Yujin took a seat.

"Dear we've been looking around to see how our friends live here so we have decided to let you go to a school!!" Yujin widened her eyes.

"Really?! Omg really?!" They nodded."Omg thank you Dad!! Which school am I going to?" Byul chuckled.

"The one that you went to" Yujin nodded and smiled widely.

"Wow I'm so excited!!!" Yujin squealed."Let's have dinner.It's going to be midnight here soon" Han said and they had a beautiful dinner together.

"I'll go back home now.I love you guys" Yujin hugged them tightly and went back to the helipad.

"Young Mistress we'll stop at Jeno's building can we?" Doyoung asked and Yujin nodded.

"Sure Doyoung" he nodded and Yujin looked at the window admiring the cities and the view from the helicopter.Soon, she fell asleep.

"Uh Doyoung hyung.Yujin fell asleep" Jaehyun said.

"Oh can you bring her to Jeno's office at least?" Jaehyun nodded and carried Yujin into his arms carefully getting off from the helicopter.

They went to Jeno's office where the others were also waiting."Wait what happened to Yujin?" Mark asked walking towards Doyoung and Jaehyun.

"Nothing Young Master.She fell asleep just now.We don't want to wake her up" Mark nodded.

"You guys can lay her there" Jeno said showing them his private room in the office.

Jaehyun bowed a little then went to the room laying Yujin down to the bed.He then walked back to the office.

"So what did Mom and Dad told you guys?" Haechan asked.

"Yeah he didn't even tell us that Yujin is going there until Jaemin tracked her at Miami" Taeyong said.

"Mr Lee and Mrs Lee have decided to let Young Mistress to go to a school like a normal kid" they widened their eyes."HELL NO!! WHAT IF SHE'S IN DANGER?!" Jeno shrieked.

"Yeah what if someone bullies her?" Taeyong asked with worry rushed in his voice.

"We even know she doesn't have friends so how can she survive there alone?" Mark sighed.

"I guess she'll be fine" they turned to Haechan."Yah Donghyuck don't you feel worried about our sis?" Jeno asked coldly.

"What do you want to worry about? Doyoung will stick with her for 24/7.She even have Jaehyun with her.If you think that's not enough, I can tell my gangs to guide her around" they thought and nodded.

"Yeah that makes sense" Mark showed him thumbs up.

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