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"Hyung I want to go out" Jaehyun looked up."What? Where are you going?" Sungchan chuckled."I want to buy some stationaries" Jaehyun nodded.

"I'll go first!" Sungchan said but Jaehyun stopped him."Yah yah!! Take this" he gave Sungchan some bucks.

"Ahh thanks hyung!!" Sungchan then walked to the town going to the stationary store.He walked in and bought the things he needed.

"What are you doing here?" Sungchan flinched and turned around."O-Oh Mr Lee!! I-I----" he got cut."Call me Jeno" Sungchan nodded."J-Jeno hyung.I-I want to buy some stationaries here" Jeno looked around and turned to him.

"Can I talk to you? I mean can WE talk to you?" Sungchan tilted his head.

Before he realised he's already in a fancy cafe with the 4 Lee siblings in front of him."Are you really sorry for what you did?" Taeyong asked.

"I-I am!!" They still have the glares."Yujin is our only sister.So you have to understand why we're being like this" Haechan said coldly taking out his gun.

Sungchan gulped squirming in the seat."Don't do that Haechan" Mark said taking the gun away.

"Promise us that you'll be a good friend for Yujin?" Sungchan nodded."I-I will" he said.


"Sungchan!!" He turned around and there was Yujin."Hello Yujin" she smiled widely."So where should we go first?" She asked.

"I planned to go to the cinema and have lunch" Yujin nodded."Okay cool!!" Sungchan smiled and went to his bike.

"Where are you going?" Yujin asked."To the mall?" She blinked."Why don't we watch the movie in the cinema room? I honestly don't like malls" Sungchan was taken aback.

You're rich.But you don't like malls? How does she even exist?

Sungchan tilted his head."Okay let's go to your cinema room" she smiled and pulled his wrist to the lift.

Doyoung and Jaehyun left them alone as they went out to help the maids with the groceries.

They went into the room and saw the Lee siblings were there watching a movie.

"What the Fuck?!" Jeno shrieked throwing his popcorns aside making it spilled to Taeyong.

"What Nono?" Yujin asked titling her head."THAT!!" Haechan yelled pointing at their hands."O-Oh sorry" Sungchan let her go and the boys glared at him.

Sungchan gulped and looked away."O-Oh what are you guys watching?" Yujin asked."The Nun" Taeyong replied.

"Oh!! Can we watch Frozen II please?"  Yujin pouted cutely tugging Mark's sleeve.

"Okay let's watch Frozen" Mark said and the boys turned to him.

"LOOK AT HER PUPPY EYES!! I CAN'T SAY NO TO THOSE EYES!!" Mark said and they sighed.Yujin giggled and told Johnny to change the movie.

After a few minutes, the movie started.Yujin was focusing on the movie when she eventually fell asleep.The Lee's were focusing while Sungchan was freezing on his seat.

Yujin fell asleep on him and he didn't know what to do.So he just froze up.Soon, the movie finished.

"Yah bring Yujin to her room"

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