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"Uncle Doyoung!!" Sungjin shouted and ran towards Doyoung who just walked out from the arrival gate.

"Oh? Sungjinnie" he smiled widely but was still in shock when she called him Uncle again with manners.

"Hey hyung" Sungchan smiled widely."How was China?" Yujin asked.

"Good!! My friend cooked some Chinese food for you guys too.I hope it didn't spill in my bag.Hopefully" he chuckled awkwardly looking at his luggages.

"B-By the way.S-Sungjin? I-Is she alright? S-She called me Uncle?" Sungchan smiled proudly at her daughter as he picked her up.

"Of course she's alright" he kissed her cheek and looked around.

"Where's Jaehyunnie Ddoing?" Yujin asked just right in time when Sungchan about to.

"I'M HERE!!" They looked at the familiar face who was wearing the Hanfu and walking like a dramatic King making the people around him laughed.

"Shit he did it again" Sungchan thought as he looked away in embarrassment.

"YAH JUNG SUNGCHAN!!" Jaehyun called and Sungchan looked around."I don't know him!!" He pushed Jaehyun away."What have you done to him Ddoing?! HAHAHAHA!!" Yujin held her stomach.

"Well he met his new bestie in China and I think he love it so much there" Doyoung said while looking at Jaehyun who was doing bass kick, swinging like a Brunce Lee all alone in the middle of the airport.

"I don't know him let's go home" Sungchan walked away leaving his brother all alone.

"YAH YAH!! NÀ WǑ NE?!" He yelled in Chinese but they all didn't hear it.He ran towards them and finally they arrived at the mansion.

"Kyaa who is this? Is he from Qing Dynasty?" Mark cracked up into laughter seeing Jaehyun who was still in the Hanfu.

"I don't know him.Don't ask me" Sungchan walked away."Uncle Jeno!! Can we play barbie house together?" Sungjin asked and Jeno pouted.

"Sorry cutie but I can't today" she frowned and smiled widely."It's okay!!" Jeno pinched her cheeks.

"It's okay my Princess.Your knight shining in armour is here!! Let's play house together!!" Jaehyun said bowing down to her level.

She giggled and went to her playroom."Oppa do you want to eat? Doyoungie brought food from China" Yujin asked.

"Woah really?! I wanna try!!" Haechan ran to the kitchen."Wait up I'll reheat first" Doyoung said as he took out the container.

"Huang Renjun? Your friend's name?" Yujin asked and he nodded."Cute name" she chuckled."I have many friends there.One is from Thailand.But he's good in Chinese.His name is Ten" Yujin wowed.

"They must be some really good friends until you wants to visit them there" she guessed and he nodded with a wide smile.

"I met Ten first actually then that's when I met others.Sicheng, Kun, Renjun, Chenle, Yukhei, Dejun, Kunhang and Yangyang" he chuckled a little.

"HYUNG I'M HUNGRY!!" Haechan whined."Here here!! Aish you impatient pig" Doyoung rolled his eyes.


"Oh? Who is that babe?" Taeyong asked his wife when he heard the bell rang."How can I know?!" Aecha said as she got off from his lap.

She went to open the door and gasped when she saw the little girl running towards her.

"AUNTY!!" she squeaked."HELLO LITTLE SUNGJIN!! OMG TAE!! COME HERE!!" Aecha called her husband and he joined her.

"Oh hey princesses!!" Taeyong smiled widely at his niece and his sister."Hyung you forgot me?!" Sungchan whined.

"Ayy how can I? What's up my favourite bro?" Taeyong greeted Sungchan with a bro hug.

"FAVOURITE?!" Mark stepped in.

"BRO?!" Jeno joined him and followed by Haechan.

"REALLY?!" Taeyong looked at his brothers who were glaring at him deadly.

"I-I said b-bro i-in-law?! L-Like--OH COME ON?!"

After the siblings had a cute fight, they all gathered at the yard where Haechan and Jeno was grilling the beef.Mark and Sungchan was preparing the tables and chairs.

Taeyong called the take outs as his wife and his sister cooked some food more.

"Kyaa we are doing this when Mom and Dad are not here" Taeyong said unbelievably."Dude imagine we all get scold because Dad didn't get this juicy beef" Haechan cheered.

"Daddy!!" Sungjin hugged Sungchan's leg."Oh? Yes princess?" He squatted down to her."Someone come.They are at the door" Sungchan furrowed his eyebrows and went to the door.

He opened it and saw three girls."Um yeah?" They also looked confused."Uh is this Aecha unnie's house?" One of them asked.

"Yes.But who are you girls? I am her brother in law" Sungchan said and someone pinched his waist."A-ARK!" he yelped.

"Hello ladies please come in.By the way did he flirt with any of you?" They shook their heads."GOOD!" Yujin pulled him away from them as they walked in.

"Babe?! Ow ow!!" Sungchan yelped."Aish I didn't do anything at all!!" He sighed rubbing his back.

"Yeah yeah.Says who let a girl flirt with him?" She crossed her arms in front of her chest."B-But--" Aecha butted in.

"Aish don't worry Yujin-ah.The three girls are for your single brothers" Yujin furrowed her eyebrows.

"One of them is my best friend, and the two are my neighbor" Aecha said and Yujin went to the yard seeing her three brothers were getting along with the girls already.

"What's your name by the way?" Mark asked."Uh my name is Sua" she looked down shyly.

"Ay ay ay am I getting sis in laws?" Yujin teased making they blushed."Mommy!!" Sungjin walked up yo Yujin and Sungchan picked her up.

"YAH YAH THE BEEF!!" Taeyong shouted out when he saw Haechan and the girl were still in their own world.

"DONGHYUCK!! THE BEEF!!" Jeno screamed."OH OH!! SORRY!!" Haechan quickly turned to the grilling pan meeting the burnt meats."Ohh burnt" he mumbled.



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