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"Y-Young Mistress!!" Doyoung ran for her."Guys let's go home" Taeyong said but Haechan just stood there.

He stormed to Sungchan giving him a punch on his jaw."Take that bastard" Haechan spitted and walked to the car.

They went home and Yujin locked herself in her room.She stayed there thinking about everything.

'I don't belong here?'

She thought and sighed."I belong to everyone's life" she grabbed her hoodie and jumped out from her room using the window.

She ran to the small gate and sneaked out to the world Alone.By herself.For the rest of her life, she never walks out alone.

Yujin went to an alley where she saw gravity in it.She admired it when she felt a tap on her shoulder."Hey baby girl?" They smirked.

"U-Uh what?" They chuckled."We want to have some fun" Yujin tilted her head."Oh you can go to the amusement park" she innocently said.

"Not that fun but these" they came closer but someone beat them making they laid on the ground after a few minutes.

"Are you okay?" Yujin blinked still processing what happened."Hey are you okay?" She looked up and saw a very fine man.

"I-I want to go home" she cried."U-Uh I don't know where you live.L-Let's go back to my house.Don't worry I'm a good guy" Yujin nodded and he brought her back.

"Stay here I'll bring you some water" Yujin nodded scanning the house.It is small and cozy.Not like hers, spacious and messy.

"Hyung I'm home" she turned to the door and tear fell from her eyes."M-Mr I'll go home now.Thank you for saving me" she stomped back home.

When she arrived at the mansion, everyone hugged her scanning her body for injuries before bombing her with questions."Why did you sneak out huh?!" Mark scolded.

"I-I just want to feel how they feel.He said I don't belong there.Then I want to prove that I am belong everywhere" they sighed.

"Hey bub listen we are belong to live everywhere.Whatever our rank is, we are still humans" Jeno gave her his soothing words.

"It's okay princess he don't understand" Yujin bursted out crying making them panicked."It's fine it's fine" they calmed her down and she went to her room.She cleaned herself and sat down on the bed.

Then she heard a knock on the door."Come in!!" The door opened and there was Haechan."Oh hey Haechanieee" he smiled and sat down on the bed with her.

"Are you okay?" Yujin nodded."Tell me what happened to you when you're out there" Yujin told him everything while Haechan already thought a death plan for those perverts.

"W-Wait who saved you?!" Yujin sighed."Sungchan's brother? I guess so.He called the Mr hyung" Haechan nodded."It's okay cutie don't mind him okay?" Haechan ruffled her hair.

"B-But I really wanna know how their life will be?" Haechan sighed and held her hands."Their lifes are just the same to us.We have to eat, drink and works.We are human Yujin.Everyone is the same.It's just ranks showing the differences between our lifes" Yujin sighed.

"Thanks Haechannie" he scrunched his face."You want some mint chocolate? I forced myself to buy it for you" Yujin chuckled.

"Thankiee!!" She hugged him and ran to the kitchen.

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