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"We'll do you want to go back?" "Helping dragons at the conservatory is my dream. I can't give that up— but—"
"Well, I don't want to hold you back."
"Just go."


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  ROMANIA WAS even more beautiful than Charlie remembered— green and mountainous, even though the sky was grey, he still felt as though every breath was more satisfying when he was there. Charlie hadn't realized how much he missed it until he was back on the rich soil, staring up at the European Dragon Sanctuary.

"So this is it?" Barnaby asked. "I can already tell that the creatures love it here— I saw a few bowtruckles in the tree line."

"They do," Charlie said. "At our flat, we have a heard of creatures that come to our back door— One of my flatmates, Paulina, likes to feed them, you see."

  Barnaby laughed. "I do the same thing at home. Penny could do without it, but they like it."

  As Charlie and Barnaby entered the main building of the dragon sanctuary, three people greeted them. They all wore matching light brown khaki coveralls with the initials "E.D.S." Embroidered on the breast pocket underneath their names.

  "Charlie! It's been so long!" Exclaimed Paulina.

  "Lina! Lee! Fabian! I missed you guys so much!" Charlie grinned as he hugged them all at once.

  "The dream team is back together again!" Fabian exclaimed, wrapping his arm around Charlie's shoulder.

  "You must be Barnaby," Marlee said. "It's nice to meet you." Charlie grinned delightfully as Barnaby shook Marlee's, then Paulina's, then Fabian's hands.

"It's nice to meet you too," Barnaby said. He followed Paulina to the main office, where he would sign in and get his visitor's badge, leaving Charlie alone with Fabian and Marlee.

"So, Char— we've heard you're dating Georgiana Fortescue, the quidditch player?" Marlee grinned, slapping her friend on the back.

"Where did you hear that?"

"You're all over the tabloids! She's a famous athlete, did you really think you wouldn't be a prime victim of the paparazzi?"

"I don't know— it's not like they've ambushed me-- and I haven't read the tabloids in years."

"Yeah, well... take a look," Fabian said, reaching into his bag. "I've got today's paper right here."

In big letters, right on the front page of the magazine that Fabian handed him, were the words "WEASLEY DUMPS FORTESCUE FOR DRAGONS."

"That's not even true!" Charlie exclaimed. "We're still together, we're just in different countries at the moment!"

"Well, there's no point in trying to reason with the press, is there? I mean, look at any celebrity who tries to fight them off— they're portrayed as horrible people."

"But I'm not a celebrity!"

"You're dating one, Char. You're dating the first person in the league to ever get captainship in their first year playing." Charlie smiled. "What? Why are you making that face?"

  "She's just... she's so incredible, Fabian. She's— she's everything."

  "Alright, mate, don't get all sappy on my now— we've got a dragon to catch you up on."

After a long day of taking care of Misty the Dragon and her nearly-hatched eggs, Charlie fell exasperatedly onto his long-abandoned bed. Paulina and Fabian, who had received a nice coating of dragon mucus all over them, had taken to the showers of their shared flat, as Barnaby had decided to check out the surrounding village. A knock on the door interrupted Charlie from his rest, and he groaned before rolling off of his bed and answering the door.

"Charlie!" Exclaimed the voice of their longtime next-door neighbour, Maureen. Maureen, a plump older woman with dark, greying hair and the friendliest smile in the world, trapped Charlie in a dead-tight hug, not even minding to avoid the splotches of dragon excrement and other matter on his uniform. "I've missed you so much, my dear boy. Why didn't you write?"

"Sorry, Maur. I've been really caught up in London. I haven't written to anyone besides the bosses."

"I suppose it's alright. Besides, I can just look for your name in the tabloids if I want to see what you're up to. It's how I knew you were back in Romania, after all."

"I thought you had probably just seen me coming in. I know you like to people-watch from your window."

"Yes, and good thing I did or else you wouldn't get these," Maureen exclaimed, summoning a container of homemade cookies from her apartment, of which she had clearly left the door open, as there were no crashing sounds. Charlie found it funny how the elderly people in this apartment just left their doors open or unlocked, bestowing so much trust on their neighbours.

"Oh, Maureen, I love you so much right now. You have no idea how badly I've been craving your ginger cookies," Charlie grinned as he shoved an entire cookie into his mouth. "Ugh, delicious as always. Thank you," he continued through his mouthful.

the following chapter includes the initial outline/notes of this fic

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