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THE AUTUMN morning was humid and cloudy on the day of the anxiously awaited quidditch match, and Georgiana rushed out of her home to go meet with her team one more time before the big event. There was only a few hours left until she would face off with Charlie for the price of her future, and Georgiana stumbled for her keys and quickly slid them into the lock of the shop with shaky hands. After checking the door one last time, Georgiana ran to the Leaky Cauldron to use their floo network, as her own wasn't working at that time.

Georgiana quickly pushed open the front door to the store and stepped in and watched the floor to avoid any people that she knew and get to the floo as quickly as possible, but as she stepped closer to the fireplace, she bumped into the last person she expected to see in the middle of the pub that morning. Falling to the floor from the force of what seemed to be a stampede of elephants, Georgiana looked up to see Rubeus Hagrid, the Cares of Magical Creatures Professor, and her old friend from Hogwarts.

"Georgiana! Great ter see yeh!" Hagrid unintentionally shouted.

"Hagrid! What are you doing here? Don't you have a class to teach?" Asked Georgiana.

"Classes 're cancelled for the day! It's Halloween, and Headmistress McGonagall decided to give the children a break, they've all been workin' their arses off fer the past month and er half."

"Oh that's right, I completely forgot that today was Halloween too, I've been so focused on the match," Georgiana sighed. The stress of winning had caused her to forget that the day of the match was the same day as Halloween.

"And What match would yeh be talkin' 'bout there, Georgiana? You didn't start playin' professionally, did yeh? I heard the Tornadoes are lookin' fer a new chaser," Hagrid stated.

"Oh, no. I have a bet with Charlie Weasley. He wants me to try out for the Harpies this season. I actually need to talk to him about the location of the match, we were supposed to play on the Harpies' field but they made a last minute practice for the reserve team, and were supposed to play in an hour and a half. "

"Well if yeh all don't have a place for the match, I'm sure m'dame hooch would love ter see yeh play on the Hogwarts field! The stud'nts could use a good time, I'll go talk to 'er and headmistress McGonagall now!"

"Oh! That would be amazing! Thank you so much!" Georgiana hugged hagrid tightly and rushed off to the fireplace of the Leaky Cauldron. "I must go tell Charlie at once!" She exclaimed before grabbing a pinch of floo powder and throwing it at the base of the fireplace. "The burrow!" She was off in a whirl, her arms tucked to her sides so another family wouldn't have the distasteful gift of a splinched arm.

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