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GEORGIANA STEPPED into the cake store in muggle London. She had given herself the task of finding inspiration for new ice cream flavours before she opened the shop later in the afternoon.

Fortunately for Georgiana, as soon as she stepped inside the shop, she heard droplets of water patter against the cement and the windows of the store, and he felt a drop hit her ankle as she pulled it through the doorframe. She sighed as she stared back outside, where it had started to torrentially downpour. She turned around and made her way deeper into the store, looking for flavour inspiration and new toppings.

"Georgiana? Is that you?" Asked Mrs. Bakersfield, the owner of Bakersfield's Cakes Etc.

"Mrs. Bakersfield! How are you?" Georgiana smiled at the elderly woman across the counter.

"Georgiana, dear, I've told you before, call me Nathalie!"

"Sorry, Nathalie. Old habits die hard."

"How's your father doing, dear? I haven't seen him in a while. Has he fallen ill?"

Georgiana swallowed the lump that formed in her throat. "He's fine. He has some errands of his own to run, that's all. The shops getting busier and busier now that summer's here."

"Well I'm glad to know he's alright. Tell him to come by soon, Alright?"

"Sure thing Mrs. Bakersfield— I mean Nathalie," Georgiana corrected herself when she received an unimpressed look from the older woman. "I have to go, it's almost time to open the shop," Georgiana lied. Talking about her father made her remember how terribly painful working without him was. She rushed out of the store into the pouring rain, becoming drenching wet instantly. Georgiana ran down the flooding street, only to bump into another soaked person who was also trying to escape the rain.

"Gia! What're you doing here?" Charlie shouted over the rain.

"That doesn't matter! Can we please get out of the rain? I'm soaked!" Georgiana exclaimed.

Charlie held out his arm. "Hold on!" He shouted. Georgiana gripped onto his arm, and with a crack that she could barely make out over the sound of the rain, the two apparated away.

The place they ended up at was a comfortable little flat near the Leaky Cauldron. It had white walls and was neat and tidy, as though it was rarely used. Georgiana stepped inside behind Charlie and he held out his arms. "I thought you might like a place to dry off," He said. "I have some spare clothes in the guest room, they might fit you." He motioned towards the door on the far right of the room. Georgiana went towards it and stepped inside. Just like the rest of the house, the walls were white and everything was tidy inside the room. The only thing that differentiated this room from the others was the posters of the Holyhead Harpies taped to the walls. She laughed quietly with a small frown as she remembered her deal with Charlie. She didn't know how to feel about their bet.

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