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GEORGIANA CHEERED as she tossed the quaffle through the singular goalpost that hid in the depths of the valley near the burrow. The keeper, Charlie's little brother whose name, she remembered, was Ronald, groaned. It was the fifth time that Georgiana had scored on him, and she was sure that he was becoming restless to save one. Charlie thumped Georgiana on the back as she flew by, before taking off. He must've seen the golden snitch.

Georgiana focused on the match before her. As Ginny raced for the hoops, Georgiana rushed in front of her, blocking her from moving forwards. Any further. When Ginny tried to throw the quaffle into the post, Georgiana intercepted it, and soared towards the goalpost and shot. Ron, for the first time that match, blocked her shot. He whooped in the air, nearly falling off his broom. He grabbed on at the last second and steadied himself before going back into his defensive position.

Ginny grabbed the quaffle again, and took advantage of Ron's sudden impairment. She shot and scored. The teams were tied.

Georgiana heard Charlie shout from the ground: he had caught the snitch. Grinning, Georgiana flew as fast as she could towards him, jumping off her broom and tackling him to the ground at the last second. With a laugh, she kissed him on the lips before standing up, and helping him to his feet. The rest of the Weasley siblings (and Harry) surrounded them now; their team was cheering.

"Well done, Char!" Georgiana cheered before turning to face Ginny. She stuck out her hand. "Good match, Ginny. You played excellently."

"Thanks Georgiana, you too." The two girls laughed as the group of them ventured back to the Burrow, their broomsticks over their shoulders.

"I'm really nervous about the Harpies tryouts," Ginny admitted. "I'm scared that I won't make it."

"Don't worry, Gin! Remember what Wilda said? If you played good at that match she would make you a reserve player for sure, and you were brilliant at the match! There's not a doubt in my mind you're going to make it!" Georgiana ensured.

"I'm just nervous because I've only ever played at Hogwarts and at home and I've never had much real competition, only poor sport brothers," Ginny whined.

Georgiana laughed. "That is true, your brother, er- Ronald? He's a very poor sport," Georgiana said after lowering her voice. Ginny laughed and nodded in agreement.

As the eight of them reached the Burrow again, Molly had prepared lunch. Piles sandwiches were placed on large plates for each of them to grab, and a nice warm bowl of squash soup was placed at every table setting. Georgiana's mouth watered; she was starving after expensing all of her energy during the quidditch match.

As the entire Weasley family sat down for lunch, an owl unceremoniously crashed into the window. Georgiana flew from her seat in a start, falling to the floor, as Bill helped the owl get in to the house before untying the letter from his leg. The owl flew off and Bill looked down at the envelope in his hands before passing it to Ginny.

Ginny smiled and tore the letter open. After reading it, she let out a shriek, whether it be of terror or excitement, one did not know. That was, of course, until she started jumping up and down, screaming "I made it! I made it!"

Everyone watched Ginny for a few minutes before she finally stopped jumping around the room. "What did you make? What was that letter, dear?" Molly asked.

"The Holyhead Harpies! That was Wilda Griffiths! She said that she wants to make me a reserve player immediately, and she wants me to try out to be a starter! She said that it's not guaranteed, but she believes that I have a lot of skill and talent, and that there's a good chance that I could be on the starting lineup next season!" Ginny talked in a hurried tone, spurring through her words the way a tornado spurred through a town. When she was finished, the family jumped up and surrounded her, entrapping her in a large group hug. Georgiana laughed and when they broke apart, she made her way over to Ginny.

"You see? I told you there was nothing to worry about."

"Thank you, Georgiana! Without you, I never would have made the team! I hope you become captain when Wilda leaves!"

"Thank you, Ginny, you're too kind. I doubt that I'll be captain, I haven't played on a professional team before, I don't know how things run. But hopefully we play together in the upcoming season! I'm so excited for you!"

The family continued their meal in a spur of excitement, with Ginny being a new player on the Holyhead Harpies, the brothers were all excited to get free tickets in the top box, allowing them to see their favourite teams up close. When lunch was over, Georgiana and the Weasley's sat still at the dining room table for a nice, quiet conversation which mostly pertained to Georgiana and Charlie's small rivalry in their Hogwarts years, how Charlie's brothers were all scared of Georgiana, given the time that she broke his nose with a quaffle. Georgiana and Charlie laughed this off, they were used to this sort of chatter from their friends.

Finally, Molly asked the dreadful question: "So, Charlie, honey. When are you moving back to Romania?"

Georgiana tensed at Charlie's side. His muscles stiffened and his face dropped. "I haven't decided," Charlie replied. "I haven't even thought of going back yet," he admitted.

"Well, haven't they asked you to return? It's been two years since you've been in Romania, surely they don't want their star dragonologist filling out paperwork in a different country."

"No, they haven't contacted me. They've got Marlee, Paulina, and Fabian to take care of the trickiest dragons, and they hired a lot of interns last summer that are now helping out. Are you all finished with your plates? I'll bring them to the kitchen," Charlie said, stopping his mother from asking any other questions. "Gia, will you help me?"

Georgiana stood up and started collecting the plates of Charlie's siblings and parents and followed him into the small kitchen. They both put the plates down in the sink before Charlie grabbed Georigana's hands in his own.

"I don't want you to worry," he said quietly. "I noticed the way you started to pull away from me when my mother asked about Romania. I'm not going anywhere."

"D'you promise?" Georgiana asked, her face buried into his chest.

Charlie cupped her face and pulled it to face his. "I promise."

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