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GEORGIANA SAT in her living room with Rowan, Penny and Grace during a cold stormy night in December. They all laughed as they caught up with one another after a month of not seeing each other.

"-And then, Felix just fell in the lake!" Grace laughed. Georgiana and the other girls giggled at Grace's story of her family's vacation to Canada that past summer. They apparently visited a lot of lakes.

Suddenly, Penny stopped laughing and turned completely serious. "Guys, I have something to tell you," she said.

The three other girls scooted closer to Penny with curiosity. "What is it?" They all Asked.

"You know Barnaby?" She Asked in a giggly whisper.

"Yes, we all know Barnaby," said Rowan.

"We..." Penny paused. "We slept together!" She laughed. The three girl's eyes widened with shock as they opened their mouths in disbelief.

"No way!" Shouted Georgiana.

"No! Oh my goodness!" Shouted Grace.

"Penny! Way to go!" Shouted Rowan laughed.

Penny looked at Rowan oddly and laughed. "Not quite the reaction I was expecting, but alright," she said lightheartedly.

"For real, Penny, way to go! He's a charmer!" Rowan laughed. "Now tell us everything! When? How? Why? Where? Was it good?"

Penny waved her hands in front of her to dismiss the questions that she was being bombarded with. Her cheeks slightly flushed, her eyes widened before she shushed everyone so she could tell the story.

"It was at André's twenty fifth birthday, a few months ago, and we got absolutely smashed, and went to his place after," she explained. "After I woke up and realized that I was late for work because I didn't have my alarm, I lashed out at him and started to cry. So I called into work, I told them I wasn't feeling well, and then, well..." she paused.

"What?!" The girls all screamed. Their curiosity was making them so antsy and jumpy. They all had a look in their eyes, showing their hunger for Penny's gossip.

Penny's eyes fluttered and she started to flush again as she went silent. The girls were nearly ready to pounce on her before she finally started to continue the story. "We slept together again. Fully sober and with throbbing headaches, at nine in the morning, but it somehow made our hangovers go away." She sighed.

The girls all squealed in delight at Penny's recollection of her story. The news made them jittery and happy for their two friends.

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