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GEORGIANA STEPPED out of Florean Fortescue's back doors, locking them from the inside knob before taking off down Diagon Alley. Noticing a large, noisy crowd at the end of her block, she decided to go check out what the big fluster was all about. Making her way down to  bright big orange shop, Georgiana took in the view of children sprinting around the store while their parents hustled and bustled through the crowd to keep up.

Upon entering the store, the colour scheme got even brighter. Between an eye popping neon orange colour, the purple trim, and the wacky coloured toys and pranking tools, Georgiana was worried that all the colours would hurt her eyes by the time she left. Even though she was concerned for her eyesight, Georgiana continued to browse around the store, trying to find something to buy for Penny, one of her best friend, for her birthday.

She turned the corner towards the potions section and bumped into another wizard, knocking boxes out of his hands. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed as she bent down to help pick up the boxes of Puking Pastils and Extendable Ears that were now scattered between them. After filling her arm's full with boxes, she looked up to see who the victim of her clumsiness was. She stared into the soft blue eyes of Charlie Weasley, and as things quickly became awkward between the two, Charlie cleared his throat and began to say something to Georgiana before she cut him off. "Well anyways, sorry, completely my fault! Bye!" Georgiana rushed away from the red haired boy and towards a shelf covered in love potions.

After looking at the shelf for approximately two seconds, she was interrupted by yet another red haired man. "You're not planning on using one of those on my little brother now, are you?" He asked.

"What?" Georgiana asked.

"Charlie. You're not going to try and get Charlie to fall in love with you, right?"

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Georgiana scoffed.

The man chuckled. "Bill Weasley, you served me ice cream the other day with Charlie, and some of my nitwit brothers, and sister" he replied.

"Right, you were the one who didn't know what a bowl was," she grinned.

"Well, not everyone can be as clever as Charlie, you know," he chuckled and held out his hand. Georgiana shook it. "I was a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Fortescue."

"The pleasure was all mine."

Bill left Georgiana in the aisle of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, and while she wasn't being distracted by a conversation, Georgiana realized just how crowded it was around her. The muggy air filled her lungs as she took deep breaths and pushed her way through the crowds to get outside. Upon reaching the fresh air, she sat down, her back pressed against the wall of the lively shop. Closing her eyes, Georgiana took a few deep breaths before being interrupted by the sound of a clearing of a throat. She opened her eyes to see Charlie again.

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