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"OH MY goodness! Georgiana! Charlie?!" Shouted Penny Haywood as she busted through the door of Georgiana's flat.

Charlie and Georgiana scrambled away from each other as quickly as possible, both their faces burning red from being caught.

"Penny! I thought I told you to knock before you enter?!" Georgiana gritted through her teeth. Of all of the times that Penny could've possibly decided to barge in, it had to be the moment where she kissed the boy she fancied.

"Nope, you've never actually said anything because you're always alone," Penny beamed.

"Penny, what do you want?" Georgiana sighed.

"I just came to let you know that even though you didn't send me an invite yet, I'm coming to watch your quidditch game."

"Oh- um, Penny-" Georgiana tried to decline but Charlie intercepted her rejection.

"Great! So you'll be coming to watch Georgiana lose, then? Because if she does, she has to try out for the Harpies!" He cheered.

Georgiana hit his shoulder. "I didn't tell anyone about the bet!" She whispered.

"Oh my gosh! Georgiana, you've always loved quidditch, you always use to tell us that you wanted to be a professional player one day. This is great! So you're trying out?" Penny exclaimed.

"Only if I have fun! That's the only way I'll try out."

"Which you obviously will! Anyways, I also got your letter about the shortage of potions for your ice cream, do you want me to make some for you? I have a bunch of ingredients in my lab, I'd do it for free," Penny said with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle.

"Thank you so much, Penny!" Georgiana jumped off the couch and hugged her friend. "You're amazing!"

"You're welcome! I have to go, Rowan and Grace are waiting for me. They're going to LOVE this!" She said as she wagged her fingers from Charlie to Georgiana.

Georgiana grew even more red before saying "Thanks a ton! You're a lifesaver!"

The blonde friend shrugged and flashed Georgiana and Charlie a smile before skipping out the door, muttering something along the lines of "about time."

Georgiana cleared her throat and turned towards Charlie, her face becoming red again. "Well, I have to go set up the shop," she said. "You can join me if you'd like. Unless you have to help at your brothers shop."

"Oh! Er- I think Ron and Bill are running the shop today, so I'll stay here with you I guess," he replied.


"I'm going to change into my uniform. Don't come in this time," Georgiana said with a frown.

Charlie laughed and put his hand over his face. "I promise I won't," he replied with a smirk and a flushed face. She couldn't tell if he was embarrassed or flirting, but she felt as though it were a bit of both. Softly laughing in return, Georgiana made her way over to her bedroom and put on her mauve uniform shirt and a pair of black cut off jeans. She put on her favourite pair of muggle shoes that she got for her sixteenth birthday and walked back into the living room, where Charlie sat on the couch.

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