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  GEORGIANA FORTESCUE wiped down the display cases of Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, waiting for the heat of July to bring in her first customers after reopening. The wind chimes attached to the door rang, signalling that the heat had done it's job. Putting the cloth away, Georgiana went behind the counter to serve her first ever customers, turning down the volume of her muggle radio with her wand as she did.

  "Hi, welcome to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, how can I help you?" She read her script from the inside of her palm. She looked over to see a red haired family crowded around the freezer, their sweaty palms smearing all over the freshly cleaned display case as they pointed at the different flavours of ice cream. Georgiana sighed and grabbed her notepad. She had a feeling that this was going to be a long order.

  "What can I get for you?" She asked the woman nearest to her, biting the inside of her cheek to try and remind herself to smile.

  "Hi, dear, sorry, we're just so excited for the grand reopening of Florean Fortescue's! So terrible what happened to Florean, of course, but we're glad that his parlour is up and running again, it's what he would've wanted," she said. She must've been the mother of the group, as she looked much older than the rest of her company, who all looked as though they had just finished school.

  "It's okay, take all the time you need," Georgiana reassured. She had all the time in the world. 

  "Oh, aren't you just a peach! What's your name, dear?"

  "I'm Georgiana Fortescue, a pleasure to meet you ma'am. And you are?"

  "Molly Weasley. Here, Georgiana, you must meet my son Charlie. He's as handsome as the devil, and single too. Charlie! Get over here!" She winked at Georgiana before calling towards the crowd of redhead children.

  Georgiana watched as a man emerged from the centre of the group, he seemed to have just heard a joke, as he was laughing hysterically, his face red. The two made eye contact, and he immediately stopped laughing, his eyes went soft and his mouth formed a small smile. Georgiana's heart skipped a beat.

  "Charlie, meet Georgiana, she's Florean's daughter, and the new owner of the Parlour!" Molly said to her son, Charlie.

  "Hi," he whispered.

"Charlie, speak up, don't make the girl work even harder to try and hear what you're saying!" Molly hit her son's arm lightly.

"Hi!" Charlie shouted playfully, a grin on his face as he saw the look of his mother's annoyance.

Georgiana laughed. "Hello," she replied at a moderate volume. "What can I get for you?"

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