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GEORGIANA'S EYES fluttered open to see Charlie Weasley peering over her. He grinned wildly and jumped onto her, pulling her into a bone crushing hug. Georgina groaned and he let go quickly.

"Sorry, Gia! Hold on one second-" he ran out the door and whispered something to one of the passing medics in the hallway and she nodded and hurried off.

"What time is it?" Georgiana asked with a crackling voice.

"It's nine in the morning," Charlie replied.

"I slept all night? What about the shop?" She Asked.

"Don't worry, I've been taking care of it for the past week," Charlie assured.

"The past WEEK?!" Georgiana shot up in her bed. A rush of pain flowed to her shoulder immediately. She grasped it and fell back into her pillows with a small whimper.

"Georgiana, it's November tenth, you've been out for nearly two weeks. I didn't think you would wake up. There were whispers telling me to just give up on you," he sighed. She noticed Charlie's eyes starting to water and motioned for him to sit down on the bed next to her with her good arm. He did.

"Char, I would sleep all day if I could, but if it meant not being able to see you, I could never. I'd never give up on you, ever, and you should never have to give up on me. I'll always be there, even when you don't want me to be," she was cut off for a second by Charlie's sad chuckle and she continued.

"What I'm trying to say Charlie, is that you're too perfect and amazing and charming and handsome and loving to ever let you go, and whoever would is mad in the head!"

She and Charlie both laughed together and he pulled her into a soft embrace. She looked up to see a young doctor in the doorway holding a clipboard.

"You must be Georgiana Fortescue, I'm Doctor Harvey," he said.

"Hello, Doctor Harvey," she greeted as she pushed Charlie off of her and into his chair next to her bed.

"Well, Georgiana, it seems that your shoulder injury should heal over time, with a lot of physical therapy and by keeping your arm in a cast for six weeks. Your injuries were severe before the medics fixed most of the problems with some healing spells. For now you just have some internal bruising on your left arm and on your left hip. Your brain swelling has gone down a considerable amount since you've come in, and should be back to normal within the week. Do you have any questions for me?" He asked at the end of his super long explanation.

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