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GEORGIANA AND Charlie waited in the Leaky Cauldron for Penny and Barnaby to show up. Their friends had finally made their relationship official the previous week, and wanted to start their relationship off with a double date with two of their best friends.

"Do you think they'll last?" Charlie Asked. When Georgiana gave him a look of shock, he fumbled with his words. "I mean- I'm not asking in a bad way! I think it would be great if we did this every week, I just want to know what you think."

Georgiana smiled. "Yeah, Barnaby makes Penny really happy, I'm sure it goes the same for him as well. They're meant for each other."

"Kind of like you and me," Charlie said as he wrapped his hands around Georgiana's with a smile.

Georgiana blushed and looked up at her devilishly handsome boyfriend. "Yeah, just like you and me."

The door to the Leaky Cauldron opened, and Penny and Barnaby entered. They found the other half of their double date sitting at the booth in the corner of the pub and rushed over, peeling off their cloaks and hats as they did so.

"Georgie! Charlie! So great to see you!" Penny grinned.

Barnaby held out his hand for Charlie to shake. "Good to see you again, Char. How're the dragons doing?"

"Oh, er- I wouldn't know. I've been working from home as of late."

"Ah, I see."

"Yeah. How is your work? You're a-"

"I'm a magizoologist."

"They're giving him an award next month, He's rescued the most creatures in the past two years than anyone has in their entire career," Penny chimed in with a proud grin.

"Wow!" Georgiana exclaimed. "That's wonderful! How many did you save?"

"Two thousand, three hundred and forty nine."

"Merlin! How did you manage that?" Charlie asked.

"Well, most of the creatures I saved were in groups, some in groups of five, some in groups of twenty. It's rare that you find this many in one go, but I guess the animals like me."

"Damn right they like you, we'll have a toast, at least, when our waiter comes back," Georgiana laughed. "I'm proud of you, Barnaby. You deserve it."

Barnaby flushed. "Th-thanks."

Georgiana sent Penny and Barnaby a warm smile. "I'm glad you two finally became an official couple. You seem so happy together."

Penny grinned. "We are too. It was lonely, not telling anyone. I'm just glad we can do things like this now."

The waiter came back to their table with four fire-whiskeys, and the dinner menus. The four sat in silence as they read their menus. When the waiter came back a few minutes later, they ordered.

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