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WITH THE summer coming to an end, Georgiana became less focused on the shop and contributed more of her time planning to win her quidditch match against Charlie. After a month of continuously writing letters to people back and forth almost every day, Georgiana had finally developed the perfect team.

Wilda Griffiths- chaser
Ginny Weasley- chaser
Anthony Rickett- beater
Bill Weasley- beater
André Egwu- seeker
Vicky Frobisher - keeper

She knew almost everybody on her team personally, and made sure she had at least two Weasleys to psych out Charlie. After sending them the request to play on her team, Georgiana reminded Bill and Ginny not to tell the other Weasleys that they were playing on her team, to create a bigger element of surprise.

As for Wilda Griffiths, she hadn't told her the price to pay if they had lost the bet. Georgiana asked Wilda to play with them to show her Ginny's skills as a chaser, though she had only heard about Ginny's talent for quidditch from Charlie, and not from actual experience playing with the Weasley girl.

Georgiana closed the shop early on that afternoon in August to meet with her team to practice for the first time. She was nervous, she hadn't gotten on a broom in nearly seven years, and she didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of people that she barely knew. As she was walking Georgiana realized that she should've left earlier to practice by herself for a while to regain her confidence on her broom. It was too late now, she took out her wand and apparated to the the Holyhead Harpies' stadium, which Wilda Griffiths has so generously offered for them to use for practice. She saw Wilda the second she looked up, and embraced the older woman in a hug.

"Georgiana! How lovely to see you again!" Cried the quidditch captain.

"And you too, Wilda! Is everyone here?" Georgiana asked.

"Oh no, just that dear Ginny Weasley girl and her brother. I'm sure the rest will show up soon."


"Oh no, he said his name was Charles... or Charlie? One of those," Wilda replied.

"Charlie?!" Georgiana shouted. "He can't be here! He's the head of the other team that were playing!" Georgiana ran toward the locker room to see Ginny and another boy facing the opposite was of her.

"She won't think it's funny," Ginny hissed. "She's so clearly in love with him, she might snog you because she thinks you're him," she continued before they heard the door slam as Georgiana marched in the locker room. The two Weasleys turned around.

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