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GEORGIANA WOKE up with her arms wrapped around a thick and muscular torso, and her head buried in a warm chest. Pulling her arm out slowly from underneath Charlie's body, she rolled over to her other side to try and get out of bed as quietly as possible. However, as soon as she rolled over, so did Charlie, and he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. She tried to lightly push his arms off of her but he groaned.

"Just stay like this a little while longer, Gia," he whispered.

Georgiana smiled and turned to face him again. "You know I have to get ready to open the shop soon," she whined. "But you're welcome to sleep longer if you want."

Charlie whined and turned away from her. She sighed and let out a loose laugh before crawling out of bed and towards her wardrobe. Pulling on her mauve uniform and a pair of colour stained jeans and grabbed her new dark blue apron that Charlie had bought her as a Christmas present.

"Besides, I can't miss my first day back since getting my cast off," she pointed out. "And don't forget about that party later. I left some money on the kitchen counter, an you pick up some snacks?" She Asked as she tied on her apron.

"Which party?" Charlie Asked.

"Don't you remember? André is hosting a New Years Eve party again this year, and it's at his new house. We're leaving at nine," she reminded him.

"House? More like mansion..." Charlie grunted.

"Have you seen his new place yet? I haven't been."

"You won't be surprised at all, Gia. His house is very flamboyant, it looks like it was made for André."

"Oh, well then we'll be in for a treat," Georgiana laughed. "I'll see you later, babes."

Georgiana went down to the shop and did a quick clean up before unlocking the doors and flipping the 'open' sign. Almost immediately, the bell rung on the door.

"Georgie! Georgie! You're back!" exclaimed Amelia and William as they ran into the store and came to hug Georgiana behind the counter.

"I am! I hope Charlie still gave you free ice cream while I was away," Georgiana said.

"Char char gave us extra ice cream! He's really nice!" Exclaimed Amelia.

"Yeah, is he your boyfriend?" Asked Will.

Georgiana laughed. "William Joseph Caleigh-Rosier! That was rude, don't ask people about their personal lives!" Exclaimed their mother, Grace Rosier.

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