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GEORGIANA FORTESCUE sat across from her red haired friend in a café on the corner of Diagon alley; heaps of snow had fallen the night prior, was supposedly continuing throughout the next two days.

"So are you going to explain to me why I found out from André that you're dating Charlie now?" Tulip Karasu asked, tapping her fingers against the table impatiently.

"Tulip, I'm sorry we haven't seen each other lately, but you've been so caught up in... God knows what! Where have you been?!" Georgiana exclaimed.

"No, no, no, you don't get to turn this around on me!" Tulip retorted with a chuckle. "You haven't even sent me an owl!"

"I tried! Lester couldn't find you!" Georgiana explained.

"Who the hell is Lester?"

"The owl I bought Charlie for Christmas."

"And you named him Lester?" Tulip laughed. "What kind of name is that?!"

"I didn't name the bloody owl! He had that name when I bought him, and by the way, Lester is a very intelligent owl," Georgiana pointed out.

"I never said he was stupid, I simply said his name was."

"Okay, okay, but seriously, where have you been?" Georgiana asked.

"Oh, you know, here and there, everywhere," Tulip trailed off. "Mother wanted me to become a housewife, stay at home, have way too many children, so I decided to do the opposite: travel around the world, all alone, with nothing but my wand and the clothes on my back."

"Are you serious?!" Georgiana asked.

"Bloody hell! No girl, I was visiting my Aunt and cousins in France!" Tulip laughed.

"Oh," Georgiana replied, a bit embarrassed by how gullible she was at the moment.

"So I heard that you lost a bet with Charlie, are you trying out for the Harpies, then?"

"Yeah, me and Ginny are trying out together. We've got a breakfast date tomorrow morning to discuss tryouts and whatnot," Georgiana replied.

"That's good," Tulip nodded. "I met a quidditch player in France who said that the Harpies are looking for a new captain."

"Wow. Wilda's retiring?"

"Yeah, and she has final say on who replaces her, so we all know Countberry's out of the running, they've been at each other's throats since the day they met."

Georgiana laughed. "That's one thing I'm not looking forwards to if I make the team. Sydney Countberry sounds like a terrible person, and if Wilda doesn't like her, I highly doubt that I will."

Tulip laughed as a passer-byer scowled at Georgiana. He was clearly a Countberry fan. "So what do you have planned for your birthday?" Tulip asked, changing the subject. "The big twenty six! Are you doing anything with Charlie?"

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