Chapter 1

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Ok so this is my first story and I am very excited. i have wanted to write a story for a long time so i decided to just jump right on in. I hope you all enjoy it and please leave me comments!! Also the character of Leigh Gonzalez is a sweet woman that is naive because of her weight. She is a size 14 if that helps. I know thats stretching it but its a book so use your imagination. Enjoy!!! Oh and pictured in the cover is the lovely Ashley Graham who is a size 16 Model ;-)

I'm late. No, not that kind of late. I mean I'm late for work! I was fortunate to get this job and I have goofed up before I even started. Tripping and rolling out of bed I let a few swear words slip, wobbling into my bathroom of my three bedroom apartment. Thank God the kids slept at mother's house last night or I would have been even later for work. Yes I said kids. I have three sons. Nine, six and two and they were the biggest blessings of my life regardless of the fact that their father was a dead beat. I was married once. I even thought I was happy, but obviously he wasn't. We were good at faking it in front of everyone but we both grew tired, so we called it quits.

One of the things that I have despised about giving birth to 3 children is that I have gained a lot of weight. I mean a lot of weight. As I walked into the bathroom I looked at myself in disgust but now wasn't the time to feel sorry for myself nor disgusted.

I was started this job as a personal assistant of one of the wealthiest men in the country, Logan Haynes of Haynes International.

I brushed my hair and teeth at the same time, applied my eye shadow and eyeliner and my trademark red lipstick. For a curvy woman I had nice clothes. "Hmmm, good thing I laid my clothes out last night."

I donned my high waisted black knee length skirt and white long sleeve button up cotton blouse with a peep toe red stiletto with red jewelry to match. Hopefully he won't mind my weight. A size 14 wasn't too bad was it? I mean maybe he wants a stick figured woman. Most men did. I was interviewed by his secretary and with the biggest smile I have ever seen she told me welcome to the team.

I locked the door to the apartment and as I ran to my car I called my mother.

"Hi mom! How are the boys?"

"Hi sweetie they are just fine. I was just about to get them ready for school." My mother said calmly.

"Mom, its only 6:00 why so early?"

"Well they have to eat breakfast and get ready with ease. Plus we need to watch a few cartoons before school."

"Mom I love you. Thank you for all that you do. I will call you on my lunch break and come to pick them up after work ok. Give the boys a kiss for me and tell them that I love them ok."

"Ok sweetie have a good day and your dad says hello."

"Ok thank you and tell him hi and that I love him." Then I ended the call.

My parents have really been a huge help to me. Ever since my divorce they have been inseparable with the boys. I can't complain. Sometimes they actually think that they belong to them.

I pull up to the building where I will be working and pull into my assigned spot next to the boss' and practically ran to the elevator. Upon arriving to the 6th floor I was greeted by Dana, the secretary that hired me.

"Good morning dear! You are early. That's good." She said with a wink. "Let me show you around and to your office."

I was early? Then why was I running to the elevator? Especially in high heels.

I couldn't believe my eyes. The view was beautiful! I could see the entire city. This was a dream come true.

"Ok dear since this is your first day I will show you the ropes and be by your side. Tomorrow you will be on your own." When she smiled you could see the fine lines in the corners of her eyes. I imagined she was at least 55. She had a natural beauty that didn't require make up.

"Ms. Dana may I ask do you think that my outfit, makeup and hair is ok?"

She looked me over and said with a faint twinkle in her eye, "Dear you amazing and I think he will like you a lot." Saying that she walked to her desk to answer the phone. This floor was a bit secluded. There were around six or seven women on this floor and they were all no bigger than a size 10 and drop dead gorgeous. Why am I here? I shouldn't have never accepted this job. I am a plus sized woman and a newly divorced mother of 3. What was I thinking?

About that time in walked the boss. To call him beautiful was an understatement. He had statuesque features. Standing at six foot five and athletic with hair blacker than midnight he was a dream. He glanced at me and walked pass me without as much as a good morning.

Oh crap.

Ms. Dana followed him and so did I. Upon entering his office which was next to mine she was the first to open her mouth. "Good morning sir and how are you this morning?"

"Good morning Dana," he said. His voice sounded like doves and butterflies rapped in power. When he spoke everyone came to a standstill. "And how are you?"

"Very well sir, I would like to introduce you to your new assistant, this is Leigh Gonzalez." She was a little too chipper to introduce me. What is up with this lady?

"Good morning I hope you are fast and you are good, I expect you to be here on time and with my coffee ready. I hope that working long hours are not a problem. Ms. Dana will give you a company phone so that I can call you when I need you. You will address me as Mr. Haynes unless I tell you otherwise do I make myself clear?" he said all in one breath without one glance my way. I was speechless. When I didn't answer Ms. Dana nudged me and I coughed up a "yes sir."

"Good, ok Ms. Dana you may leave but you stay Ms. Gonzalez." I gave her please don't leave me look and she gave me the 'you will do fine' smile.

"Please Ms. Gonzalez take a seat."

"Sir, you may call me Leigh" I said in a very shy tone.

"We are here in a professional manner so first names are inappropriate therefore I will call you by what I feel, which is Ms. Gonzalez." He said without looking my way. His fingers typing away at his computer.

"Excuse me sir but you want to be professional and if I were a business partner I am more than one hundred percent sure that you would look at me when you speak to me but because I am a fat and lowly assistant that isn't as attractive as the other women working here I think that I am entitled to at least one glance from you."

Oh crap. Why did I say that? What was I thinking?

His hands came to a halt. He then looked at me through beautiful ocean blue eyes and I felt as if I wanted to click my heels and disappear.

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