Chapter 19

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***Pic of Desiree***

I wasn't always the type of woman who had a lot of friends. I had one but she was more like a sister to me than a friend. She would always tell me, Leigh you are just as good as anyone else in the world. Never let anyone make you feel like less of a person.

I felt like the wind was knocked out of me in that instant. This is the Desiree Cambridge! Super model and the kind of woman that every man wanted hands down.

I finally got my voice back and forced a "Yes ma'am. Just a moment."

I stepped out from behind my desk and went into Logan's office without knocking of course. I never knock when I enter into his office.

He was on the phone and didn't see me walk in. when he turned around in his chair he smiled and told the person on the phone that he would call them back.

"Hi do you need something Leigh?" he asked while looking at his very expensive watch.

I avoided eye contact with him. "Sir, there is a Desiree Cambridge here to see you."

When he didn't say anything I mustered up the nerve to look at him. I don't think I have ever seem a man so angry. He stood up and walked past me without saying a word.

Desiree stood up from her seat and ran to him and wrapped her arms around Logan. "Baby! I have missed you. I just got back into town." She looked over at me and in a snooty voice said, "Um can you get us two lattes please. Make my nonfat."

Logan turned to me and through gritted teeth said, "Do. Not. Move."

I was frozen in place. He took his hands and unlocked Desiree's. She gave him a very shocked look. "What's wrong baby? Haven't you missed me? Why haven't you returned my calls?"

"Desiree I told you it was over and to never call me nor come to house nor office. If I have to I will give your picture to security. Do. Not. Come. Here. Again."

This man was 100% power. It oozed from his pores. I could use someone like him.

She turned and looked at me and back to him. I adverted my eyes from the couple. It was none of my business what goes on between them. I mean, me and Logan are not a couple. So why am I so jealous right now? Why do I want to claw her eyes out?

You are falling for him, Leigh. Darn you subconscious! I hate it when you are right. I always am.

Without saying a word Desiree grabbed her purse but before she left she said, "No one gets rid of me that easily." Then she left. What is it about some people that they have to have the last word?

"I'm sorry Leigh. Can I talk to you for a moment in my office?" he didn't wait for an answer, he turned and walked into his office.

I went in after him and he beckoned for me to take a seat.

"I have wanted to talk to you for a while Leigh I just didn't know the right time." He seemed a bit nervous.

"I broke up with Desiree almost two years ago. We continued to see each other off and on up until about three months ago. After her I haven't been with any other woman."

Why is he telling me this?

"You must think I sound like a crazy person but everything that I do is for a reason." He stood up and walked to the window and looked out over the city.

"About two years ago I was in the park. It's something I never do but my brother saw that I had lost to a business deal and advised me to go to the park. When I was there I was walking around not paying any attention to where I was walking and I bumped into a young woman holding a baby."

"I had bumped into her so hard she almost dropped her baby. Instead of her cursing me out and tell me how I should watch where I was going she looked at her baby to see if he was ok and then she turned to me and smiled. I was shocked because she seemed to not have known who I was."

"There was something about her that made my heart melt. Her hair was a mess and her other two children were yelling and screaming for ice cream. I noticed that she had her hands full but she wasn't too busy to smile at me and check to see if I was ok."

Oh no. how could I be so stupid. I looked up at him and wondered why he was telling me all of this.

"That woman was like a breath of fresh air to me. I secretly took a photo of her and sent it to my security manager to find out who she was. For about a year and a half I would go to the park on Saturdays around 3:00 to see if she was there and she was most weekends."

"I wanted to know more about this woman. I broke up with Desiree and she accused me of cheating and that I must have fallen in love with someone else. I wasn't a complete lie. How do I explain to her I had feelings for a woman that didn't know that I was standing on the sidelines watching?"

I finally found the nerve to speak, "Logan why are you telling me this?"

He looked torn, "I knew that you were divorced but for some reason it just didn't don on me that the children that were with you were yours. It all made sense the night of the dinner, oh and by the way wasn't really a business dinner. I just wanted to be close to you."

"Leigh I sent Dana to hire you. I bought out your contract from your former employer. I have everything that I could possibly want. Money, cars, restaurants, jets, you name it and more than likely I have it. Up until that day in the park I realized that there was something I needed and I have been conflicted about this since the day you started and I had to get it off of my chest."

I slowly began to stand. Is he about to say what I think he was gonna say? "Leigh, I want to get to know you in every way possible. I want to know your children. I want to show you all the world and give you everything that you could possibly imagine."

"I am telling you this because, I don't want there to be any hard feelings now that Desiree showed up to my office. I like you a lot and I don't feel the need to look at another woman. You don't have to say the same to me. I just wanted you to know."

He kept his back to me the entire time. What has happened? He has been watching me for two years? I don't know if I should be upset or not. I feel so comfortable around him. He makes me feel safe. He gives me hope that I can be a better and more confident me.

"Logan," he finally turned to me. "That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me."

"Leigh I want to get to know you, please open up and give me a chance." I could hear Mel screaming go ahead girl! Have some fun!!

I walked very slowly up to him and even though my heels were 5 inches he still towered over me. I pulled him by the tie and gave him a kiss.

"I am tired of being alone. So I say... Yes."

He grabbed me around my waist and hugged me tightly while he kissed me. "I swear you won't regret it."

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