Chapter 14

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This chapter is dedicated to the one person that votes and comments the most: @sschuster7 thank you!

They said that they would pick us up in an hour. Mel was so happy that I finally semi opened myself up. I was surprised myself but I am tired of being alone.

We were ready and out the door in an hour like they asked. I wore a pair of dark tattered skinny jeans with my red converse and red bat winged blouse that hung off of one shoulder. My eye make-up was kept as natural as possible and to top it all off I applied my red lipstick. I left my hair down in waves but I had to spray it with a detangling spray. Mel says you never know when a guy wants to run his fingers through your hair.

He had changed into another dark pair of jeans, tennis shoes and black button up shirt with his sleeves rolled up to the elbow. I think he could wear pajamas anywhere and still look good.

WOW! This man drove black Lamborghini and his friend who by the way, name was Daniel drove a yellow one. Men and their toys. We both looked at each other and chuckled.

Logan ushered me into his car and we were off in a flash. Playing on the radio was Rascal Flatts. “Is this rascal flats?” I tried to sound as innocent as possible. Of course I knew who they were. He nodded and smiled. “I love Rascal Flatts! ‘My Wish’ is an oldie but goodie.” He pushed a button and told the car to change CDs and to play ‘My Wish’.

I swooned. I loved this song. When it was over he turned the volume down and asked, “Do you like Italian?”

“Yes, I love Italian.”

“Great. Italian it is then.” He grabbed my hand and I swear my heart skipped a beat.

We pulled up outside of some fancy restaurant.

“Oh crap. This isn’t cool.”

There were men and women outside of the restaurant with cameras and as soon as they spotted his car they ran to it. He pulled out his phone and said something so fast that I thought it may have been another language. I couldn’t do anything but put my head down. I am not used to this kind of attention.

In less than a minute 4 men came and opened the door for him. He told me to stay tight until he came around for me. As soon as he opened the door I thought I was gonna faint.

“Mr. Haynes who is the young lady you have on your arm? Is she your girlfriend?”

“Ma’am are you aware that he is one of the richest men in the country and just ended a relationship with supermodel Desiree Cambridge?”

He leaned into me and whisper “They are the paparazzi and are always looking for a story on anyone. They lie so just try not to look at them. This will be over soon ok.”

We made it inside and I wanted to faint again. I hope this wasn’t a reoccurring thing. Everywhere I looked there were actresses and singers everywhere. No wonder there were so many paps outside. They are looking for a story for anyone.

“You seem star struck. Would you like to eat somewhere else?”

“Is that Dave Franco? Oh my gosh is that Beyoncé? Oh my gosh Mel is that…”

“Yes Leigh, that’s your dream husband Channing Tatum.”

“Ok that’s it we are eating somewhere else.” Logan spoke up. Was he upset? I turned to Mel and she was just as confused as I was. Then it donned on her.

“Leigh he really likes you. I mean really really likes you. Please don’t run him off.” I was slightly offended but then again I was the type to run a guy off. This is what a bad marriage had done to me.

We walked to the back of the restaurant where the cars were so we wouldn’t run into the paps again. I was thankful of that.

“So Channing is your future husband huh? I guess that leaves me no chance.” He said half serious half playful.

“I like his movies. His wife is beautiful and talented and not to mention skinny. So I would highly doubt I would be his type.”

When he pulled up to the red light he turned and looked at me and said “I wish you could see what I see. Someday I will show you your worth and it will be very hard…” he paused, “to stop.”

“I’m sure you say that to all of the girls.” I giggled and turned back to the window.

“No I don’t. Would you like for me to give you a taste of what I mean?”

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