Chapter 20

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Friday came before I knew it. The kids like all other weekends wanted to go to their grandparent’s house. I promised that they could but they had to come home the next day. Before I left work today Logan had asked me out.

I told him I would give him a chance so I said yes.

Before leaving mom’s house she stopped me in the doorway. “Sweetie something seems different. Your face is brighter and you have lost weight. I am so happy to see you like this.”

“Mom just between me and you I have a date tonight. I can’t tell you with who but if this becomes serious I would love for you and dad to meet him.” I whispered to her. “Oh and please don’t tell the boys. I don’t want them to get their hopes up just yet.”

Mom had tears in her eyes. “Baby is he nice to you?”

I stared into her eyes and said, “He isn’t Javier mom. He is a million times better than Javie.” And with that I left.

I went home and jumped in the bath. The warm water felt nice to my aching muscles. Since I started working out I looked forward to my baths. The bathroom was filled with the aroma of coconut.

I jumped out of the bath, and went to pick out undergarments. I went with an all-black bra with red lace in the front with the matching thong. I took his advice and bought 3 more undergarment sets and two slips. Even if I never actually slept with him I wanted to feel sexy when I was home alone.

I applied my make-up, straightened my hair and donned a beige knee length sleeveless dress. The dress hung to me like a glove with a small tear drop cut just about my breast. In the back it had a tear drop slit the stopped just about my butt. It showed a little skin underneath but I didn’t want to overdo it.

Now what shoes to wear? This was the hardest part for me. I text Mel my outfit and asked which shoes I should wear.

Hmmm going on a date I see. I think the glitter beige ones would look good. Let’s meet up at 10 because I feel like we haven’t talked all week. Love you!

Oh and have a lot of kinky sex. Rrrrrr!!

Mel knew just what to say and when to say it.

Ok I will see if Logan will want to go out. I hope you will be with Daniel so he has someone to talk to. I will text you later ok.

Just then the doorbell rang. I took my time walking to the door. I peeked through the peephole and it was Logan so I opened the door wide to him. I couldn’t be too careful these days. I had security but I didn’t want to open the door to Javier.

“Hey gorgeous. You look amazing.” He said eyeing me breathless.

“Hey there yourself.” I said with a wink. “Let me just turn out the lights and I will be ready ok.”


We went to eat a nice little romantic place named “Le Petit”. We sat in the corner in a slightly lit area. We had drinks and talked while we ate. He told me about how he grew up with both parents, his college days and why decided to major in Business at Harvard.

I gave him my little boring story of how I grew up with both parents also and my shaky marriage to Javier. We wanted to get to know each other so I told him everything. I told him about how he would hit me and call me names. Of how my self-esteem was so low as a result to his infidelity.

“I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have my children. I would probably be buried in some unmarked grave because I really thought that no one would ever love me.” I said while wiping away a tear.

He touched my face and guided it to his. “There will always be someone on this earth that cares for you.” Then he kissed me, but this kiss was different. This time I let out all of my emotion, all of my fears, along with all of my hopes and dreams flow into this kiss.

The waiter came and took gave us the bill. “What do you say we get out of here?”

I couldn’t speak, all I could do was nod yes.

When we got into the limo, the tension between us could be cut with a knife. I was sexually frustrated and I sensed that so was he. What the heck. I mean I keep telling myself that we are both adults.

I couldn’t take it anymore so I made the first move. I hiked up my dress and began to straddle him. He looked just about as shocked as I did. I tilted his face to me and kissed him. He grabbed my waist and began to grab my ass as I gave him my all.

After what seemed like forever he pulled away. “Come home with me please. You don’t have to stay if you don’t want. Please.” He said in a very pleading and sexy tone. I felt a tightening in my core. I didn’t say a word. I answered by grinding on him.

He picked up the phone and told the driver to take us home. We arrived pretty quickly.

He opened the door and grabbed me by the hand ushering me out. Once inside he picked me up which cause me to scream. “Please put me down.” I said in pure fear. I was too heavy to be picked up.

He smiled and licked his lips and said, “Honey get used to it.”

He took the steps two by two and headed down the long corridor to his massive bedroom. I had always dreamed of coming back here. This time he had a black duvet on the bed with red sheets. How sexy.

He sat me down on the bed. I fidgeted, where did all of the courage from the restaurant and the car go to? I really liked him but I was afraid to open up to him in this way. I could talk to him about all of my hopes and dreams but this is sex. Two people coming together in a very intimate way.

He had noticed my nervousness and he pulled away. “If you don’t want to do this we don’t have to. We can go down stairs and watch a movie or go out.”

“Uh where is the bathroom?” was the only thing I could come up with at that time.

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