Chapter 9

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here is some feel good music. since i feel good today i thought i would upload 2 chapters in one day!! yay me!! ;-)

You know when are in school unprepared for class and you haven't done your homework, studied, nor have a pencil to write with but the teacher calls on you? Remember how you froze in place after hearing your name?

That's how I felt right now. But then I realized that this tune was of Pharrell's Happy.

Woooo! I thought Logan was calling me.

I looked at the caller ID and it was Mel. I will just have to talk to her tomorrow. I picked up the iPhone 5 and shot her a quick text letting her know I would fill her in on everything tomorrow.

I could only imagine the colorful words she was saying right about now in English and Spanish. Another thing I loved about Mel is that she spoke Spanish also. It came in handy when we wanted to talk about how hot a guy was without him knowing.

When she didn't text back I decided to text my boss.

I am a mother of 3 so I don't always text back right away. As I had said before thanks but no thanks. The last thing I need for them is another man ruining their lives by leaving just as their father did. GOOD NIGHT SIR.

Being a single mother you have to be tough as nails. It is my job to make sure that no one will ever hurt them and that they are safe. Even if it means staying single for the rest of my life.

And with that I tried to unwind but it just wasn't happening. I was sexually frustrated. I wish I had a man in my bed instead of in my head. It has now been two years since I have had sex. Everyone has needs. Especially people like me.

I laid flat on my back and there he was in the pitch dark. I couldn't help but see his face everywhere. Beckoning me to come to him. I have a very strong imagination.

Ugh! I can settle this. I went into my stash and got out my trusty battery operated friend. In my opinion nothing could replace the real thing but this will have to make due.

I pulled down my panties and started my toy. I think he was the best toy I have ever had. Especially now that I am single.

In he went with such ease. Oh my gosh this felt good. I wonder if Logan was bigger and longer than this. I bet he was bigger and a thousand times better and that he could please me in every way.

I imagined that he was kissing me and that he had wondering hands. The kind that had a mind of their own and that lingered in all of the right spots. I imagine that with force he eased himself inside of me and began to pump hard. Slow yet hard.

Faster and faster I began to pump the battery operated excuse for a good time. I imagined him telling me that he needed me and wanted more and more of me. Faster and harder. I was about to come. Leigh you are mine and I want you to come for me baby... NOW! That fantasy was to my undoing as I came around the pink dildo.

When my orgasm subsided I began to feel alone. "I need a man." I said in desperation. This sucks. I got out of bed for a drink of water and to cool off. I wonder what he is doing right now.

Come on Leigh you can't be thinking of him. He is your boss. I had to judge myself. I knew better. I can't let my feelings get to me. It's not just me at stake. It's the boys too.

But he kissed me. That did give me a little hope. Maybe I wasn't as hideous and I thought I was. Maybe I could mean the world to someone again. Just maybe but I will never know because I will not entertain this thought. It's just a crush.

I got back into bed and fell asleep that night dreaming of Logan Haynes.

I woke up the next morning at 5:20 as normal. I have to get them out of here by 7:00 because if not I would be late.

We were all ready to go when the doorbell rang. I don't have time for this. I opened the door and there stood a man in black. His hair was buzz cut and he looked to be in his mid-40s early 50s.

"Yes how may I help you?"

"Good morning ma'am I am here to take the children to school and the little one to daycare, per Mr. Haynes."

I sighed under my breath. Can't this man take a hint? We are not a charity case that he can get his kick in trying to fix.

"Wow mom there is a limousine out front." Yelled Dorian while looking out of the living room window.

"Please ma'am. I really need this job and if you do not allow me to take the little ones to their destination I will be fired. These were the terms to my job."

You have got to be kidding me! He would fire this poor man if I didn't let him take my kids to school and daycare? I hate being in a bind but what can I say? I can't just tell him no and he lose his job. What if he had a wife? What if this job was all he had?

I inhaled and exhaled very slowly.

"I would like to ride with them please just to make sure that they arrive ok."

He nods and smiles without saying a word.

The kids were so excited. Well at least Emmanuel and Dorian. Israel could care less. We could have been on the back of a wagon and he wouldn't care.

I kissed the kids good bye while trying to ignore the stares and whispers. I drive a Dodge Charger that I got out of my divorce. It was a nice car but we were nowhere near wealthy. We lived in a nice and safe neighborhood but that is because I worked by butt off for it.

So imagine the looks I got for being a single mother and arriving to school and daycare in a limo. Ha! It was weird.

Last stop was to the office. I thanked my driver, whose name was Larry and I went into the building. Upon entering I smiled and waved at Ms. Dana. She seemed different this morning. Happier than yesterday. I wonder why.

I went to my office and started my computer and went to get Mr. Haynes his coffee. I was nervous this morning. Before entering his office I squared my shoulder and was preparing to walk in but I was not prepared for what was on the other side of the door.

Just before entering I could hear a woman talking and giggling. I squeezed the door knob and was about to open the door when the person on the other side opened it for me.

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